Chapter 3- Firey Shenanigans (1)

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Maru's POV

7:00 PM

A couple days after Hitori visited me, I was making my way towards Master Saki's house. It's a bit strange isn't it? Why would I be heading there? I have my reasons. This one in particularly, was to throw a little prank for him.

'How dare he tried to hurt Hitori and I's relationship?! He's going to regret that once he see's what I'm about to do!' I thought evilly to myself.

"FIIIIREEEEEE-BOYYYYYYYYYY," my blue haired friend shouted.

"WAAATEEERRRRR- GIRRRLLL," I shouted back, as I sprinted towards Kyono's direction.

Before I could smoother him in a brotherly hug, he tackled me to the ground with a loud thud.

"For your information mate, I'm not a damn girl. I'm a water-licious boy alrighty," Kyono jokingly said, with his slight Irish accent.

"Whatever, you say Water-Girl," I mumbled.

"Do you ever listen to me, ya idiot?"


"That explains a"

After I got up from the ground, I dusted myself off trying to make myself look decent once before, Kyono tackled me.

I continue my walk, with Kyono trailing behind me. "Where are ya heading to lad?"

"Saki's house."

"What for?"

"Stuff....things, why does this concern you?" I inhaled deeply. I didn't feel like explaining to my plan to him.

Especially if he's going try to stopping me.

"Well, for starters," he began, "I thought you hated that guy. So are you guys nubby buddies now eh?"

Stopping dead in my tracks, I faced him and clenched my teeth and curled my hands, into fists. "I am NOT friends, with that two-faced looking asswipe."

Kyono started to laugh hysterically. "YOU LOOK SO ADORABLE WHEN YOUR MAD, LAD," he exclaimed.

I felt the hear rising to my cheeks. 'Why do I blush to much?', I thought to myself.

"Kyono shut up you idiot!"

"I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!" He continued to laugh as his eyes started to water. Trying to hide my embarrassment, I started to pick up my pace by jogging.

"Hey, hey, hey wait up! I was only teasing ya,"Kyono called after me."Are ya deaf? I said slow down!" He tackled to me the ground, once again.

"Can you quit knocking me to the ground," I muttered.

"Well I did say stop, ya knuckle head." He ruffled my dark red hair, messing it up in the process. Laughing he grabbed my hand, pulling me up, allowing me to dust myself off.


"No problem mate. By the way, why do you run when I tease you," Kyono asked jokingly.

I sighed. "If your going to start, I might as well ditch you, you idiot," I mumbled.

"As if!"

We continued our walk towards Saki's house. When we finally made it, we slowly crept up the sidewalk to his house, and opened the front gates quietly as possible.

"Let's find a way to get in," I whispered.


I tiptoed around the premier of his house, careful not to step on any twigs, or obstacles to cause any noise. I tried opening the front door, but to no surprise, it was locked. I tried the cellar in the backyard, it was locked. The backdoor? Locked.

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