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The car stops in front of the mansion as John runs to open the car door for the CEO of WANG corporation and Yibo who has been in his thoughts when felt the car stopping in front of the mansion immediately came out of his daze as he straight and hi...

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The car stops in front of the mansion as John runs to open the car door for the CEO of WANG corporation and Yibo who has been in his thoughts when felt the car stopping in front of the mansion immediately came out of his daze as he straight and himself and John after opening the door for the young heir spoke, "sir we reached home!" As Yibo stepped out of the car but when heard John let a painful chuckle as he spoke, "John, it's not home, it's just a mansion!" As he left the place to only enter the mansion leaving John startled as he was not expecting such a response.

Yibo after leaving the car immediately entered the mansion as he felt his emotions taking a toll on him because hearing John addressing this place as home brought pain to Yibo as he mumbled, "it stopped being home the day Zhan ge left!" as he knows that this place is not a home now it's just a mansion where he lives because the one with whom he used to consider this as home has already left this place making this place as a building because the warmth of his life is gone and he doesn't knows where he can find that warmth again because he really needs that warmth as it makes him safe and as yibo is thinking about this tears has started falling from his eyes as he started roaming his heads around to find something which can give him warmth which is missing right now and as Yibo is finding something which can give him warmth his eyes fell on the room located on the first floor and as soon as the eyes of the young heir fell on the door he immediately sprinted toward the room to only open the door of the room after a few minutes of hesitancy.

Yibo after leaving the car immediately entered the mansion as he felt his emotions taking a toll on him because hearing John addressing this place as home brought pain to Yibo as he mumbled, "it stopped being home the day Zhan ge left!" as he know...

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The room was all white with a black and grey touch giving the room an all-elegant and modern look and as Yibo entered the room he looked all around the room to just check whether the person who used to live there once will come out and greet him with a smile like he used to do when he used to live there but on not finding anyone coming out his emotions which he had been holding from the moment he has left his office started coming back to him and as soon as the emotions hit him, Yibo ran to the bed to only land in the side of the bed where his warmth used to sleep as he tried to extract the warmth he was missing but the moment he ended on the bed he realized that the place has also lost the warmth of the said person.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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