KageHina [Fluff]

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Story cr: fayetxts



This scene takes place in their room. One male being the big spoon, resting his arms on the small waist that had his back against his own. The two lay there cuddling each other and it was almost midnight.

Kageyama yawns, bringing their never-ending silence to an end. He yawns while snuggling further into the other's warmth, having a relaxed look on his face. It's rare to see the usual scowling, menacing face disappear, but Hinata was almost always an exception to him. 

Unlike the setter though, the smaller boy that is beside him is feeling tense in every corner of his body, as if he would flinch at the slightest moments made. He's drowning in an ocean of thoughts that take place in a huge storm, the ocean never getting calm, instead, getting bigger by the minute.

Thankfully those thoughts were soon stopped as he's being picked up by the taller to rest on his chest rather than the bed. Hinata could hear his heartbeat, it was steady, it was more than enough to ease his thoughts, his arms then falling on either side of Kageyama's strong body. Coincidently, the moonlight gently let itself into the room as its bright rays lit through their slim blue curtains. It rested at Kageyama's face, as if it were to tell Hinata that Kageyama had insanely gorgeous facial features. 

It didn't need to tell him, though.

He knew that his boyfriend was extremely pretty, if only Kageyama would ask, he would've told him (with a bit of denial) that he's so pretty to him. Almost completely in contrast to himself. His height was like that of a girl's (even a girl could be taller than him), dull, brown eyes that looked like dirt, the only decently interesting thing about him would be his fiery ginger locks of hair. He suddenly remembers the memories of protecting Kageyama from a flock of girls surrounding him, so confidently telling them that he was his so proudly. It didn't get any better when he remembered so many pretty faces, so much prettier than he was. Would've Kageyama preferred them over him?

Gosh, what if he was embarrassed? This idiotic orange-haired person hogging over him while the pretty girls were looking at him with disgust and second-hand embarrassment maybe? He knew he was belittling himself so harshly, but how can he help it? Kageyama was heavenly, his gorgeous lapis eyes. His straight, dark hair. His raging talent and superior skills. It didn't sit right with him, how could an average person, like himself, date such a stupidly beautiful man? Was he that greedy?

He groaned, stuffing his face into the fabric of Kageyama's shirt, which was warm due to his body heat.

Oh, and his abs. His abs. Any girl would instantly fall in love with his figure. His biceps just tell how strong he is and how hardworking and passionate he is for volleyball. It's not to say that he wanted pretty girls to look at him, but his own insecurity reflecting at him on how undeserving he is of Kageyama.

Is it all about the looks? No, and he fully knows that. But is his personality any better? Sure, he can be friendly and optimistic, but that's where he draws the line, to the point where people would be immediately annoyed by his cheery appearance. It irritated him, he didn't know how to handle himself, especially how Kageyama deals with him. He hates himself so much, there was no good thing about him, why did Kageyama have to choose him over the others?

That endless stream of thoughts was interrupted by a whimper he didn't know he was making. He noticed a slightly damp shirt underneath him, just where his face had been. He was crying?  

He had been crying.

He quickly sat up and turned to see if Kageyama had woken up. And soon he found his beautiful, sleepy eyes already starting at him. "Hinata?" Kageyama's deep gravel voice resounded through the room as he tried to focus his eyes. Hinata quickly got his bangs and tried to cover his face filled with tears from being seen by the setter, he'd feel embarrassed if Kageyama sees him in such a weird state. "Hey? Are you crying?"

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