Note (and a complaint deterrent)

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If you did not read the book description, I'll say it again: these headcanons may blatantly and/or hilariously conflict. They are not connected unless stated otherwise, and if I gain enough connected headcanons they might be compiled into an AU prompt.
Some of these will be NSFW or at least not for anyone under 16. You have been warned.

- I will take requests to make headcanons for specific characters or groups of characters.
- Want to know how Ningguang, Ayato, and Jean would do in a room together with tea? Ask and it shall be done!
- If I accept the request, I will alert you by replying to your comment with either words or an emoji.
- If I cannot understand exactly what you are asking but have already formed an idea I will go with the idea I have made, so please be clear with your requests.

Without further ado, let us begin!!m
- FragariaNoKami
Credit to the creator of the video used in the thumbnail.

My random Genshin Impact headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now