Chapter 1

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She swallowed the knot in her throat as she felt his breath fan the skin of her ear and battled the urge to shut her eyes in pleasure. They weren't alone— and her friends could never know she wanted him. They could never know she lied awake at night, aching for his touch and playing every fantasy she could think of— oh the ways he could make her moan his name. He was the one all the girls wanted... and he knew it, too. "Hey. I didn't see you earlier," his arms came to rest on either side of her with his chest just barely touching the back of her head. His cologne engulfed her in a way that made her head reel and her heart race. 

Her cheeks began to sting as her body fought her mind for control. She knew her friends were staring at her in shock because the "it boy" had his eyes locked on her and his arms caged her in a display that to anyone else looked like he was claiming her as his.

"Oh... yea, I had a thing." Her heart was beating so loud she was so sure he could hear it. He noticed she wasn't in her usual spot studying... little did he know she had to study somewhere else because the thought of him was beginning to be too distracting, particularly at night.

A gasp nearly escaped her lips as his hand turned her chair around to face him, his toned, tanned arms now blocking her in her chair... inches from his face. Her eyes dared to steal a glance of his lips— his usual smirk sat perfectly above his sculpted jaw, growing as he caught her glance.

"I like your braids..." his voice hitched as his eyes trailed down her ever-so-slightly exposed cleavage. She wore a mauve velvet tracksuit, with a white lace tank underneath. She let the zipper sit right below her breasts, which seemed to draw his eyes right where she wanted. "And the outfit," he continued.

The tension between the two was palpable, and it appeared the room had begun to notice. Heady, almost intoxicated from his proximity, she looked to the floor and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thank you."

"Are you busy?" Their eyes met as she was unable to fight her eyes from darting straight to his.

Her body betrayed her as a smile spread across her lips and a blush covered her cheeks. "Um— no, I'm not. Why?"

A grin of his own took over his lips as he glanced around the room, soaking in the blatant shock from her friends. As much as he enjoyed the attention, it wasn't the particular attention he was after.

"I get off work in a bit. Would you like to hang out?" His voice was husky— almost like he was struggling just as much as she was to contain himself. There had always been an energy between them, but somehow it became forbidden for them to be together. Her friends thought he was a man whore and his expressly forbade it, claiming she was off limits.

She adjusted in her seat, noticing the number of eyes on them. Her body pleaded with her to say yes, but her mind was screaming at the top of her lungs to break free from his little game. She ached in places only he could soothe... and the temptation was growing harder to ignore.

"I don't know—"

"— c'mon." Before she could stop him, his hand clasped hers and pulled her out of the chair. With her hand still in his, he led her out of the game room and into the hall, where they were alone for the first time since they met.

Butterflies ate at her stomach as his fingers still hung onto hers. "What's going on?" She breathed, her will power quickly draining.

"I'm seeing you tonight. 7 o'clock. Don't leave... okay?" His eyes scanned her face before landing on her lips. If only for a brief moment, she swore she saw him think about kissing her.

She stood there at a loss for words as she suddenly became very aware of her breasts aching against the fabric of her bra. Images of him pinning her to the wall and finally pressing his lips to hers flooded her mind. She wanted him, and she didn't know how much longer she could stand it.

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