Part 3. Sneak Out

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Workers were in charge of maintaining the source for basic needs other than food, like cloth, weapons, and other daily necessities. Since most of these goods were impossible to be produced within the camp, one of the workers' major jobs was to gather them from the Phytoanthrope. Thus they get to go past the border and explore the real world of this new planet.

Workers are Alma's dream job type. Though she hadn't had the luck to become one herself, at least her best friend Cecelia is one. From her, Alma had the opportunity to hear the details of their fascinating trip as well as some interesting items Cecelia grabbed her on the way.

"What's the occasion, Kitty?" Alma was expecting Cecelia to show her something extremely interesting since the emergency "Meow call" was used.

"You know how you always want to go out from the camp. Let's do it today!" Cecelia sounded speciously excited.

That was weird. Usually, it was Alma who proposed going out and Cecelia was the one to refuse a risky trip. Something more is going on.

"What changed your mind? You didn't want to go last time." Alma asked.

"Well, I just... feel like it. No reason at all." Cecelia added an awkward laugh to cover the nervousness in her voice.

Alma read Cecelia like a book. She could tell that Cecelia was lying straight away.

"That's unfortunate." Alma faked a sorry smile, "My stomach was feeling weird the whole day. I don't think I can go today, maybe another time."

"Come on, Alma, you have no stomachache," Cecelia grumbled.

"And you have a reason for going out," Alma responded.

"Fine," Cecelia confessed. With a blush, she added, "Tomorrow's Richard's 18th Birthday, okay. I want to get him a birthday present."

Of course, it's Richard. Now it all made sense.

"Kitty. You don't have to do this for him. Just grab something in the camp." said Alma.

Cecelia shocked her head. "But it's his 18th birthday. It's huge. I need something new and special."

"He wouldn't even care." Alma said, "What's special about that guy anyway."

To Alma, Richard is just a random guy friend who is sonically like those typical protagonists one would expect for an adventurous novel: a handsome, golden-haired dude who is righteous, brave, helpful, and not really cautious. And as if the story he was in is categorized under "for children", he had not a single mind for romance. All Cecelia's effort went into nothing.

"He is the best. And, I love him, I want to make him happy" Cecelia said with her eyes filled with dreamful joy like there is an ongoing scene of something extremely pleasant.

"Please, Alma." Cecelia begged, "I can't go alone. Please come with me. "

"Where do you wanna go?" Alma asked.

"The Far Garbages," Cecelia hesitantly responded.

"Isn't that a bit too far?" Alma exclaimed. "You know I have only been there twice and you can't even read a map."

Alma was shocked by how much Cecelia is willing to do for Richard- Cecelia wouldn't even dare to walk in the Demon Crack herself.

"So you are afraid then. Where is your daily bravo, huh? Those of your big talk that you just want to walk in the City of Phytoanthrope if you have a chance. You don't even dare to go to the Far Garbage." Cecelia knew Alma's weakness.

"Okay! But for your information, when I'm actually going to the City of Phytoanthropes, I'm taking you." Alma smiled, she was in fact more than happy to go out with Cecelia, though she didn't like the idea that they are doing this for Richard.

Cecelia was all elevated to hear Alma agree. "Whatever you wish bestie! City, castle, you name it."

"Speaking of birthday gifts, Kitty, Why I don't get such a thoughtful birthday present like this? I only get a mud doll last year."

"Hey, that doll took me a week to make."

"Well, I still prefer something from the Far Garbage."

"At least I get you a doll. My birthday gift from you was a drawing of me and Richard."

"I thought you like it."

"I do but I also knew that only took you at most ten minutes."

The two girls held tightly to each other, and walked side by side forward to the outer of the Demon Crack, entering into the deep, deep dark.

Author's note: Sorry for the late update><

Now that all five job types have been introduced:

Teacher, Worker, Soldier, Farmer, Doctor

Let me know which one you would wanna be? Leave a comment!

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