Chapter Ten

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Spiderpaw paused outside the fence of the Two-leg den.
"This is it, right?"

"Yes."Snowdropfall nodded, glancing up at the fence.

"Think we can jump that?"Forestpaw blinked.

"Sure,"Spiderpaw shrugged. "It's not that tall."

"Fine, you go first."Forestpaw grinned.

"Fine.But we don't all need to go.Someone stay and keep watch."

"I'll stay."Mildewpaw mumbled.

She'd been awfully quiet ever since we left the broken shed.

Spiderpaw was worried.

I'll talk to her later.

"I'll stay, too."Forestpaw offered.

"I might not be able to make it over this fence,"Red muttered. "But I'll try."

Spiderpaw bunched his muscles, wriggling his rump.
He leapt, claws digging into the wood, and climbed up the fence, balancing on the top.
It wobbled under his weight, and he let out a meow as he dropped onto the ground on the other side.

He glanced up. "It's safe, and pretty easy to get past."

The fence wobbled again as Snowdropfall climbed up.She landed lightly beside Spiderpaw, shaking her fur.

Last to come, Red.
He climbed up a bit slower, but got to the top anyway. "That is- easy."He panted. He landed heavily, toppling over.

Snowdropfall steadied him, and he blinked gratefully at her.

"This is the house I used to visit when I lived in this town,"Red explained, padding closer to the door. "My sister used to live her.I'd assume she's dead now."

Spiderpaw sniffed at some plants growing in a small garden.
They smelled of dirt and musky food.
"Is this stuff... edible?"

Snowdropfall wrinkled her nose.
"I think so.I don't get why Two-legs would want to eat that stuff, though."

It had a leafy, green stalk and a bit of an orangey red colour was sticking out from the ground.

"Come on!"Red called. "We don't have all day!"

Hurrying to his side, Spiderpaw gazed at the door leading into the den.
"Are we going in there?"

"No!"Snowdropfall shouted, at the same time as Red said, "Yes."

"We can't! It's pretty much against the warrior code!"Snowdropfall argued, glaring at the tom.

"Well, I don't know what the warrior code is, but I'm going in.How else can we get your friend out?"

"How are we supposed to get Ripplestrike out, if we're stuck in there, too?"Snowdropfall looked skeptical.

"That part I haven't figured out yet."Red shrugged. "But I will, in time."

Groaning, Snowdropfall whispered to Spiderpaw, "You can't seriously be thinking about going in there!"

"Well,"Spiderpaw thought about that. "How else can we get Ripplestrike?"

"We could tell her we're here and she can try to escape."She suggested.


"Throw something at the window?"
She tilted her head, glancing at the wide window in the den.

"That'll alert the Two-legs, too."
Spiderpaw didn't really see any other way than to go in.

"We'll be fine,"
He had learned to stop promising things, because he never kept them.
"I hope."

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