Chapter Fifteen- Brookstorm?

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Spiderpaw yawned, dragging his feet every step.Step.Step.STEP.

"When will we take a break?"Spiderpaw whined, staring at Ripplestrike who was walking right in front of him.

"Soon."Ripplestrike replied flatly.

It had been another day, and the whole patrol was tired and cranky.
No one was talking.Well, Birchpaw was giving an effort, but other than her, no one. Especially, Spiderpaw.

"Look,"Shakenpaw pointed his tail to a cave. "We can sleep in there!"

"It's too dangerous,"Deerspots narrowed his eyes. "What if a huge, mean creature lives in there?"

"I don't care,"Spiderpaw snorted, thrusting his way into the cave. "It'll fear me and my awesomeness."

He didn't have to be out there to know they all rolled their eyes in unison.

"It's nice and dry in here!"he called out.
It looked fine it here.

Pawsteps echoed around the stone cave as Birchpaw poked her head in, then slowly walked over to him. "It's a decent size, too!"

Shakenpaw was next, stumbling over to where Birchpaw sat, staring at a beetle crawling on the ground.

Then Dewmelody and Ripplestrike hurried in, blinking.

Lastly, Deerspots sauntered in, glaring at the walls of stone. "I still don't like it."he mumbled.

"Whatever."Spiderpaw shrugged. "Who's going to hunt?"

They all looked at him.

"I'm way too exhausted."Ripplestrike heaved a sigh, flopping down on her stomach.

"Me, too."Dewmelody nodded, curling up next to the Clan deputy.

"I'm going to explore this cave!"Birchpaw meowed, already disappearing into the darkness.

"I'm afraid of the dark!"Shakenpaw yelped, pressing himself up against the wall.

"It's probably more dark in here than out there."Spiderpaw rolled his eyes.
"It's only almost sunset time."

"I'm not sure you want me to hunt for you."Deerspots started grooming his pelt, a smug look on his face as he realized he wouldn't have to do anything.

"Seriously?"Spiderpaw groaned, stalking out of the den.

"If they don't want to hunt the StarClan forsaken prey, then why should I?"
he grumbled under his breath, stomping along toward a line of trees.

Once he entered the small wood, he became quiet, trying to sniff out something to eat.

There was a snap somewhere around him, and he froze, eyes widening.
He pressed his body into the ground,
letting out a small whimper.
Owls hooted; snaps cracked; leaves  rustled; Spiderpaw shivered.

Then, a huge racket came from a bush directly in front of Spiderpaw.
"StarClan save me!"he whimpered.

A blueish gray tom suddenly leapt out from the bush. "ARGHHHHHH!"

"AHHHHHHHHH!"Spiderpaw screeched, leaping five feet in the air.

"AHHHHHHHHH!"Brookstorm screamed, also leaping in the air.

Both cats panted, claws digging into the ground.
They lifted their heads to glare at each other.

"Brookstorm,"Spiderpaw said slowly. "What are you doing here-?"

"Following your patrol."he mewed, sitting down.


"I wanted something to do.(I was being neglected)."he pouted.

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