Chap. 1

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Hey guys this is my first story so I hope you all enjoy it. If you feel like I stole a story I didn't I came up with this one on my own. So anyway I hope you all like it. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.

Avi's P.O.V

"Avi get up or your gonna be late for your last day of school" my mom shouted.
"Yeah yeah I'm up"
"Hurry up Lia will be here soon"
Ugh, like seriously I hate the mornings, most of all I hate this school. I'm so glad it's going to be over thank god for half days! I get up and do my morning routine since it's 5:30 in the morning. I jump in the shower and blow dry my brown hair, then make little waves in it. Once I'm done with that I go pick out my clothes. I chose my High waisted washed out Demi shorts and paired it with my All Time Low crop top. I slid my black sandals on along with my anklet my dad gave me, a couple of gold rings and a whole bunch of bracelets. Once I was done with getting changed, I then headed into the bathroom to do my make up. I put on a little foundation, a light brown color for eyeshadow. Then added black eyeliner and mascara then headed downstairs.
"Morning mom"
"Morning sweetie, would you like breakfast?"
"Sure, maybe just a little"
"Okay here's a pancake and some bacon"
"Mom, you know me so well!"
"Of course, now I have to go to work I'll see you later sweetie! Bye I love you!"
"Bye mom, I love you too! Don't work so hard"
"I won't bye!"
Once she left I pulled out my phone and went on Twitter while eating my breakfast. I saw a lot of people commenting on my last post about mine and Lia's latest YouTube update. It was of us singing Shower
by Becky G. I also realized that I gained 4o more followers! Now I have 580 followers I say that is pretty impressive. Once I finished eating I put my phone away and put the dishes in the sink. Once I was done I ran upstairs to grab my back pack. I got back downstairs and turned on the tv to wait for Lia to get here. I turned on the tv to see Ellen interviewing this newest band called '5 Seconds of summer'. If I say so myself they are pretty good. They just got done talking about how they had a great time on tour with 'Hot Chelle Rae' when I heard the door open and hear Lia say "I'm here bitch, let's go"
Lia was wear her faded Demi shorts, her pink crop top that says 'forever young' and a cream cardigan, brown sandals and a anklet her dad also gave her and other jewelry with a pink and white flower crown.
"Okay let's go"
Once we got into Lia's car we started talking how we are gonna ask our parents if we can go on vacation for 3 months. We both have a gut feeling that they will say yes considering everything that's happened during this year. Let's just say we all have been going through hell.
"How are you doing Avi?"
"I'm hanging in there, how about you?"
"Eh getting around it's really hard"
"I know it's hard but we got each other and our brothers Austin and jacob and our moms. We will get through this together" I smiled at her assuringly. I then turned on the radio and she had her Cher Lloyd album in and we both looked over at each other when oath came on. Once the song finished we were almost to school.
"Hey Avi, how is Austin doing?"
"Um, I'm not exactly sure anymore, he hasn't kept in contact with me ever know that happened... He blames me Lia. Why?"
"Awww babes I'm so sorry it will be okay, and just cause Jacob has done the same too me, they both blame us Avi"
"I know which sucks, mom wants him to come home but if I'm there he won't she misses him I miss him. I miss my older brother there being overprotective, I miss everything about him Lia, we were so close now it's all gone" I say as I feel a tear sliding down my face. I haven't even noticed we were parked and I was just sitting there with tears coming down my face.
"Avi, it's gonna be okay you have me and plus you can't cry otherwise it will ruin your makeup chin up its the last day and it's a half a day. I feel the same way you do okay? Now you ready?"
"Okay and yeah let's go"
As we got out of the car and walk into school we both look at each and go our separate ways to get to our lockers.
"Wait Lia! Once you get your books come to my locker okay?"
"Okay Avi I will"
As I reach my locker I feel someone staring at me. As I turn around and see who it was, it was the last person I wanted to deal with today.
"May I help you Lindsay?"
"as a matter of fact you can, how about you just stay away from Matthew he is mine not yours. I so glad it's summer so I won't have to see your face any more until senior year"
"Okay Lindsay for one I don't even talk to Matthew he comes to me and honestly I don't even like how your so called boyfriend treats people he's an asshole and second of all I feel the same so leave me the hell alone"
"Bitch you can't talk-"
"Avi can say whatever the hell she wants to you cause your nothing but a fake ass person and a slut who just can't keep her legs closed!"
"You will pay for that lilac, you will pay" she says as she walks away from the both of us. With her 2 so called friends Rachel and Maggie.
"Damn, Lia you set her straight"
"I know,so what did you want me here for?"
"We are planning on getting out of this country and fast as we can okay?"
"Okay but I feel like they would need a couple-" both our phones go off as seeing we both have a text from our moms saying that Lia needs to come back to my house and wait till they get home so we can talk about on just me and Lia going on a 3 month vacation to wherever we want. It's like they read our minds on what we want to do. We both send texts back that says okay and head straight to our homeroom the only class we will be in. Lia is in Mr. Michaelsons homeroom. While I am in Mrs. Evans homeroom. After homeroom is over we all go to our lockers and clean the rest out. When we are done we go into the gym for a closing assembly. As I am about to exit the classroom mrs. Evans calls me back in.
"Avaline, sweetie, how are you holding up"
"Mrs. Evans I appreciate you asking me if I'm okay but I feel like I get enough pity. But I am okay thank you. Your helping me through it and I am thankful"
"Of course sweetie, how is yours and Lia's YouTube channel coming?"
"It's really good I am so shocked like there has been 3,000 views so far! And at the assembly Lia and I are singing a song"
"Okay well I better let you go get your locker cleaned and so you can sing bye sweetie"
"Bye mrs. Evans" I say walking out of the room and run right into somebody expecting to fall when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me to catch me. As I open my eyes to see who it was I wanted to punch myself
"Hey babe"
"One don't call me babe. Second let me go please"
"Babe I'm pretty sure you like me calling you this"
"No Matthew I don't because I hate you and your an ass. Also your psycho girlfriend may want to kill me so let go"
"Okay sorry"
"Yeah bye matt"
"But-" he tries to say something I just keep walking and ignore him till I get to my locker. All I have left in there is a jacket, notes from Lia. And two pictures. One was me and my dad on my 16 birthday when he took me to the carnival and won me a stuffed baby elephant and the second one is me and Lia at the beach making silly faces. I smile at both of them thinking more about those days. Then my thoughts have been interrupted by Lia saying "those were the good days"
"Yeah they were"
"You ready to sing?"
"Kinda nervous. Do you have your guitar?"
"Yes. What song again?"
"See you again bye Carrie underwood"
"Okay let's go". As we make it back behind the stage mrs. Evan greets us and help us not be as nervous. We start relaxing as the principle says the last words before he introduces us. As if on que he says "ladies and gentlemen welcome Lia and Avi as they sing see you again by Carrie underwood."
"Hello everyone, most of you know who we are but anyway I'm Avi and that's Lia. Hope you like this. we dedicate this song to....well you guys know who"
We both start to sing.
Oh oh ~ oh oh
Oh oh~ oh oh
Oh oh~ oh oh
Oh oh~ oh oh
Then it was my turn to go solo
"Said goodbye turned around
And you were gone, gone, gone
Faded Into the setting sun
Slipped away
But I won't cry
Cause I know I'll never
Be lonely
For you are the stars to me
You are the light I follow"

Then We join together for the chorus

"I'll see you again
This is not where it ends
I will carry you with me
Till I see you again
Oh oh~ oh oh
Oh oh~ oh oh
Oh oh~ oh oh
Oh oh~ oh oh "

Then Lia takes the microphone

"I can hear those echoes in the wind
At night
Calling me back in time
Back to you
In a place far away
Where the water meets the sky
The thought of it makes me smile
You are my tomorrow
Then back together again
I'll see you again
This is not where it ends
I will carry you with me
Till I see you again "
Then I sing
"Sometimes I feel my heat is breaking
But I stay strong and I hold on cause
I know I will see you again
This is not where it ends
I'll carry you with me
Yeah yeah
Oh oh~ oh oh
Oh oh~ oh oh
Till I see you again
Oh oh ~ oh oh
Oh oh~ oh oh
Till I see you again
Yeah yeah yeah oh
Till I see you again
Said goodbye turned around
And you were gone gone gone"

I haven't even realized I was crying and I guess Lia didn't either cause we both had tears in our eyes as everyone was erupting into cheers and clapping. We both looked at each other and smiled and hugged then said a quick thank you. Then walked of backstage to hug mrs. Evans. We were still hugging when the assembly was officially over. We both quickly said our goodbyes then walked to Lia's car. When we got closer we saw the last two people we expected to see leaning against her car waiting.
"Austin?" I say
"Jacob?"Lia's said as both of us erupt into tears and hugging both our brothers that we haven't seen in like a year and a half, and surprisingly they hugged us both back just like when we were younger.
"Hey, shhhh Avi, don't cry, I'm so sorry for blaming you it was a dick move. Then not talking to you for a year. I'm so so so sorry I've missed you. Please forgive me"
"Why now?" I say sniffling then look at him
"Mom knocked sense into me. Saying that she's letting you a Lia get out of this hell hole of a place since it's not helping"
"I forgive you Austin. I missed you too so much! I love you I'm sorry I was all mine and Lia's fault. It was."
"If you don't mind me butting in but it wasn't you and Lia's faults we were dumb and blaming you. We are both equally sorry" Jacob says hugging his sister again. While Austin hugs me tightly. Just like old times, I've missed this.

I hope you guys liked the story. This was my first so I feel like it's bad. I'll update soon xoxoxo -Sydney

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