Chap 2

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Here's chapter 2! Love you guys! Still probably has grammar mistakes. Avi is played by Ariana Grande and Lia is played by Sabrina Carpenter. xoxoxo

Avi's P.O.V

We have been sitting at home waiting for mom and mama Smith. That's what Austin and I called Lia's and Jake's mom since I was 2 and Austin was 5 years old. While the boys are down stairs playing COD on the Xbox and me and Lia are upstairs dancing around like fools listening to check yes Juliet by we the kings. We are literally the craziest people together even our own parents can't handle us together so I find that funny.
"AVALINE AND LILAC GET DOWN HERE SO WE CAN TALK" mom shouted at us over the music.
"Yay! Let's go"
"Hi mommies!" Lis and I both say giggling at one another.
"Hi sweetie pies, okay so we both thought you girls might want a break from this hell hole full of terrible memories. So we are willing to pay for wherever you wanna go. So where girls?" They both say smiling while me and Lia instantly look at eavhother and scream "AUSTRALIA!!"
"Okay we will buy the plane tickets now to get you out of here as fast as you can so girls take my credit card and go shopping for new styles okay?"
"OMG! Mom we love you!!!!"
"Hey mommy?" Lia asked sweetly.
"Yes dear?"
"Can we take the black Porsche?"
"Sure sweetie just don't crash it!"
"Lia never call me that again" I say to her with a disturbed look on my face.
"Oh babes, that's just one trick up my sleeve"
"Ugh lets just go. Dibs on driving"
"Damn it Avi! It's my moms car"
"She's my mommy also!"
"Damn it, true, bitch just take the keys and drive!"
"Ha, I win, what songs shall we listen to?" I ask her before we start driving
I say before taking of down the road. we were singing our heads off and basically scream the lyrics while our hair blew in the wind. These are the times I cherish with people this is what I will remember. It took us 20 minutes to get to the mall.
"What store should we go in first Avi?"
"Haha okay let's go Avi wavi"
After an hour in that store trying on a picking out clothes we both got 3 bathing suits, 9 pairs of shorts,12 shirts and crop tops and also 3 cardigans, and 4 summer dresses
"Now which store Lia?"
"Haha okay let's go"
Once we got in there we headed to the heel section. After of 30 min we each got 2 pairs of heels, 4 sandals, 2 vans, 2 converse, 2 sneakers.
"Holy fuck Lia I'm so tired! we are shopping freaks"
"Dude I know right, how about we go into hot topic and get some merch and shirts okay?"
"Haha okay"
After another 30 min we were finally done shopping for clothes. In hot topic we got all time low shirts, green day shirts, blink 182, and fall out boy with some bracelets.
"Girl what?"
"I'm so tired and hungry and thirsty"
"Well why don't you just complain some more"
"Maybe I will"
"LIAAAA!" I say whining. "How about we go to Starbucks then got get some pizza?"
"Girl you know I'm in once you said Starbucks" I said while she was laughing
"I figured let's go so we can get home"
we started walking to Starbucks to get our average of white girl we need a day. We were standing in line when I felt my phone texted me

'Hey sweetie, just wanted to tell you that we got you and Lia and flight to Australia tomorrow at 5pm. So hurry up so you can make sure you have everything packed. Me and Karen are going to sign you up so you guys have your our debit card so you can buy what you want. Oh and we bought you a nice beach house for you two to stay at. Have fun. Love you xoxoxox - mom'

Once I read it I showed Lia since she already ordered for me considering I was to busy reading the text. I'm so excited for this trip. I honestly need this since well....messed up shit happened. I decided to send her a text back.

'Okay mom, I'm so excited for this trip I love you so much! You the best mom! And do you already have our passports sitting out? And we will be home in about an hour. Xoxoxo'

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