Chap. 12

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Sorry this one took so long to write. I was almost done with this chapter and had it the way I wanted it and then I accidentally touch something and it disappeared. I'm sorry. I love all of you!-Sydney xoxo

I woke up trying to focus my eyes and getting them use to lights again. I try to sit up but head hurts too much to do that. I couldn't quiet hear what they are saying. "LUKE YOU NEED TO LEARN THAT SHE HAS ISSUES AND YOU HAVE TO HELP HER. YOU'RE HER BOYFRIEND NOW. DONT DO THAT STUPID SHIT AGAIN" Omg my head already hurts now she's making this worse.
"You guys better shut the fuck up before I call security"
"Babes your awake" Lia says.
"Get the fuck away from me, you guys are making everything hurt more" I say not feeling guilty at all.
"Whoa what's her deal?" Ash says shocked.
"What her deal is that the medications we have her and will start giving her are affecting her hormones. So when her head hurts it irritates her a lot. Basically it's like she's on her period but more bitchy. No offense Avi" the doctor says making them understand more.
"None taken. so what's my problem now?" I say and turn my back from the rest of the group.
"Don't say that you don't have a problem. You have anxiety and can can panic attacks and you are diagnosed with clin.... I don't think I should say anything more with everyone around but you know what I'm talking about. you have to drink that fluid right there so you can get the ivy out and can go home."
"Yes I know what you are talking about. When do I get my ten thousand medications?"
"They will come when the nurse takes the ivy out"
"Okay that's fine" I say watching him leave trying to sit up.
"Ow" I say laying back down and cradling my knees.
"Baby I'm so sorry I didn't notice faster I was suppose to be there for you and I wasn't. Wait babe are you okay?"Luke says sitting down on the bed and grabbing a hold of my hands.
"It wasn't your fault Luke, it was mine and no my head really hurts"
"Awe babe I'm sorry I wish I could help you"
"Your my boyfriend you can help by doing the littlest things and handing me that cup so the ivy can get taken out" I said reaching my hand out to grab it from his hand and drinking all of it fast.
"I'm really glad your okay though baby"
"Me too. It could be way worse"
"What are you talking about?" Luke asks me.
"N..Nothing Luke." I say looking away from him.
"Baby talk to me, please." He says looking into my eyes.
"I...I'm not ready Luke I'm sorry"
"No baby it's okay I understand." He says as he leans in and kisses me.
"Good" I say kissing him again. Once we parted the nurse walks in with my medications and sets them on the table and takes the ivy out.
"Hey Avi, you got yourself a nice guy" the nurse says.
"I know" I say smiling and looking back at Luke and kissing him again.
"Okay so out of all your prescriptions you take one of each in the morning and at night okay?"
"Sounds good can I leave now?"
"Yes you may"
"Okay thank you nurse"I say as she walks out of the room.
"Hey Emma can I have my clothes?"
"Sure here you go" she said handing me the bag full of my clothes.
"Thank you" I say walking into the bathroom and pulling out my clothes. Gross, my hair is everywhere. Whatever, I'll just tie it up into a ponytail. I slid on my clothes and put my shoes back on and walked out of the bathroom.
"Katie do you have perfume cause I smell like hospital and its gross"
"Yes here you go" she says tossing me the perfume and spraying a little bit on me.
"Luke I'm hungry I want food"
"Okay babe lets go get food. Ash you're driving."
"Mate I always drive" Ash says.
"Touché" Luke says grabbing my hand and walking out the door. Once we reached the outside of the hospital the paparazzi were everywhere. The flashing lights keep hurting my head so I turned around and ran back inside crying running straight into the bathroom.
"Avi come on open up."
"Luke this is the girls bathroom. What are you doing?"
"Nobody is in here it's okay. I came here to get you cause this time you will count on me. I'll be your hero." Luke says as I come out the door and hug him tightly.
"I'm sorry I'm just not ready for the cameras yet. My head still really hurts" I say.
"Don't worry I'll tell them to drive around the back and meet us there."
"Okay thanks Lukey" I say as he takes my hand a leads me to the back where we are meeting them. They pulled around the corner and Luke and I got in the back.
"So where should we eat"
"Coming right up" Ash says starting up the car and the radio blaring:

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