Chapter 3 - In Need For Good News

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Tick, Tick, Tick

That was all I heard at... 10:47 in the morning. Yawning, I finish the rest of my bagel and coffee. After cleaning up the dishes I make my way upstairs. Remembering that these idiots are going to wake up soon, I change quickly then grab my wallet, keys, an phone and head to the store because we are low on everything. An I mean everything, medicine, food, drinks.

As I pulled out of the driveway I plugged my phone into the radio and started blasting music on the way there. Once I arrived at my destination I parked the car and made sure that I had my list of things I needed to get on my phone. I grabbed a basket and carried it to the medicine isle where I needed to get Advil for everyone. Oh, and tampons for Snow.

After I was done I headed to the food isle and grabbed 2 big bags of chips, cookies, ice cream, candy, soda, juice, and some fruits. I mean hey, a girl still has to watch her shape. Don't get me wrong I love my junk food but I need to stay in shape for the upcoming season. Especially since I'm attending a new school soon.

Making sure I got everything on my list I got a phone call from my brother...

"Hello?" I answered unsure of why he was calling me.

"WHERE ARE YOU!" Seth bellowed through the phone. I swear he has the memory span of a peanut.

"Look on your dresser I left a note. An if you read it you would know that I'm at the damn store getting us more things to eat." I stated in a calm tone while walking to the cashier.

"Oh, well can you pick up some food for us to eat on the way back here?"

"I guess, but I have to go. I'm about to check out, where do you want food from?" I asked rushing my words.

"Just get us breakfast from McDonald's." He stated then hung up. Rolling my eyes I shoved my phone in my back pocket and took out the money to pay for the groceries.

"Is that all today?" The cashier asked. I hesitated for a moment before asking for a pack of cigarettes. The lady smiled and took one out before scanning it and telling me the total.

I quickly thanked her before grabbing the two bag and started heading towards the car. Half way there I was getting a little tired because the lack of energy I had, I was about to drop the bags on the ground when someone grabbed the bags from me.

They took the bags and looked at me with a smile, I gave them a quick thank you before asking "Hey, your that kid from my brothers party! What's your name..." I had to think for a second before blurting out "Carson! Your friends with that Brody kid and Aiden"

He let out a small chuckle and asked "How did you know that?" I told him how and he gave me mixed emotions and just stood until he said "So you're the girl at the party that met my bro." As we reached my truck he put it in the bunk of the truck.

"Yeah, I'm the girl. Anyways thank you for the help" I said while I opened my door and got in. "Wait!" He shouted out of no where. I rolled down my window so he could talk. What I wasn't expecting was what he asked me to do.

"Can you find out what kinds of things Snow likes to do? Please?" Shocked at his words I just nodded and gave him my phone as he gave me his. We both put out numbers in and I told him goodbye. He watched as I pulled out of the stall with a smile on his face and waved goodbye as I drove off to my next destination.


"Hi, welcome to McDonald's. Can I take your order?" The drive through speaker said.

"Yeah, can I have a 20 piece chicken nugget, 3 double cheese burgers, 3 chicken sandwiches, 5 large fries, 3 large cokes, 2 Sprites, and 1 fruit punch." I ordered. Damn, I must look like a fat ass ordering this much food.

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