Chapter 5: Secrets Out

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"Yeah, whatever. I have to go see Aunt Steph today." I told Seth.  

"No, you're not. I told you to never go back there!" He shouted. I just rolled my eyes and kept walking. 

He tugged on my arm a little too hard and I fell and hit my head. 

"Hey! What are you doing man! Get off her!" Landon shouted. He caught Seth mid punch and threw him off of me. 

As quickly as I could, I backed up until I reached a wall. I curled up into a ball and calmed myself down. There is no way I was going to cry over this. I've been through far worst then this. 

Seth snapped out of his daze and looked at me, regret was seriously showing in his eyes.

"Summer...I-I... Look I-" I didn't give him time to explain. I grabbed my keys and ran out of the house to my truck and drove to Aunt Stephs house.

The 45 minute drive to Aunt Stephs house was better than being at home. I don't know if I want to go back there tonight. But I have too. 

"Aunt Steph I'm here!" I called to her. 

"In the living room honey." She called back. 

I walked into the living room to see her playing with Cole. It really warmed my heart to see her playing with him. They looked so cute together. Considering Cole is only a year old. I walked over and gave Cole a kiss on the forehead, then did the same to Aunt Steph. 

"Hey sweetie. I need to talk to you for a second," she said while gesturing to the kitchen. I nodded and followed her reluctantly. 

"What's up?" I said while sitting on the kitchen counter. 

She started to wipe down the counters and I knew something was going on. 

"Aunty, what's going on?" I said, my voice beginning to get startled. "Aunty!" 

"I can't take care of Cole anymore!" She shouted.

I was so taken back by her outburst I just got off the couch and went to grab Cole. 

"Okay, I understand. I shouldn't have dumped him on you. I'm very sorry. Do you have his car seat?" she nodded and grabbed the car seat. "Can you grab all his stuff and put it in the back of the truck please." She nodded once again and walked off. 

I turned Cole around and held him in the air. He had a giant smile on him.

"Hi baby, you're going home with mama. Can you say mama?" he started giggling. I put him on my waist and he started clapping.

"Mama," he said a little loudly. I stared at him wide eyed. 

"Aunty did you hear him!" I yelled. She came running down the stairs. "C'mon baby, say it one more time so Aunty can hear you." He said it again and Aunty Steph started smiling like an idiot. 

"Is his car seat in the car?" She nodded. "Is there anything else?" 

"Yeah, it's all outside. I just need help putting it in the back of your truck." I nodded and put Cole in his car seat.

Aunt Steph and I started to put everything in the back of the truck. When we finished I hugged her goodbye and she kissed Cole goodbye. After I pulled out and started the long way home. 

It took a little longer more on the ride home then the ride there. For one thing, there was more traffic. The good part of that was it put Cole to sleep for a little. 

When we finally got home he woke up again. He started crying and he smelled really badly so, I changed him in the car and gave him a bottle. After we were done I went into the house hoping nobody was home since there was no cars in the driveway or garage. 

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