Danny- my boy

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Hi everyone so this story is going to be a sad little fluff I might write a smut tomorrow morning but it's already midnight where I live 💀

Trigger warning ⚠️:this does contain talks of self harm and the action and consequences of it, just remember if you ever feel like how Danny does in this imagine please reach out, I'm always here to talk  if you need someone

                                 Enjoy, love you darlings 💗

I was sitting on me and Danny's bed when I heard the door open I expected him to come upstairs and talk to me but I guess today that wasn't the case, I waited for him to come upstairs for 5 hours, I looked at my phone it read

11:32 pm

He was so post to stream today but I even checked his twitch he didn't stream at all, I wonder what's up
Then my thoughts get interrupted by a door opening

there was Danny he looked.... How do you say it sad or depressed

Y/n:hey baby

He didn't respond he just walked into the bathroom not saying anything

Danny's pov:
I don't know what's been up with me lately I'm starting to hate everyone and everything I swear to god if one person ask what's wrong I'm gonna have a mental breakdown

Danny's thoughts:
oh shut it Danny you have more people other then yourself to care about like your girlfriend y/n imagine how disappointed she would be if she knew how soft her boyfriend really was, she will leave you if you tell her, so it's better you say nothing

I walked upstairs into me and y/ns room there was a bathroom in our room so I didn't even pay attention to her and went straight there, once I got there I started hunting for my blades, I knew I had some somewhere I just don't know where, what if she found them, no no Danny think think

Bingo, behind the picture, I lifted up the picture a little and 2 blades fell in my hands, I sat on the floor just playing with them a little thinking, but then my mind go the best of me and I cut my wrist, hell I couldn't keep count on how many maybe like 10

after I threw the blades back and threw a hoodie on and walked out and sat on the bed

Y/ns pov:

Y/n: hey lover

Danny:hey babe

Y/n:baby you know that if anything is happening you can tell me right

Danny:yah of course

Y/n:we'll you've been acting weird, baby I'm worried about you

You started crying

Y/n:you've been different you don't talk as much you barely eat when I ask if you want anything and when I try to cuddle you, you push me away

You tried to rub his arm but then he flinched

Y/n:did I hurt you

Danny hissed

Danny:no baby your fine

Y/n had enough she can't handle lies, she lifted his hoodie sleeve up a bit and saw the marks

Y/n:oh my god

She started crying again

Y/n:when did you do this baby
You say in a soft voice

Danny:umm uh about 20 minutes ago

Y/n:come with me

You walked him to the bathroom

Y/n; first we're gonna clean them and then I'll do the hard part

You clean his cuts and he stayed dead silent

Y/n: ok that's good now but now for the hard part tell me where the blades are Danny I can't have you hurting yourself anymore

Danny:it's not like anyone would care anyway

Y/n:Danny you are my world, my sole mate, my best friend my boy I can't have you gone and think of all your friends Danny think of arny and will and Brandon they would lose it without you and so would I so please just tell me

Danny:under the picture

You lifted the picture and got them then you threw them away

Y/n:come on love

He follows you,you lay down on the bed and offer a spot on your lap and he excepted it

Y/n:go to sleep you need it

Danny's eyes slowly shut and you kiss his forehead

Y/n: sweet dreams my boy....,

This is the saddest thing ever I will never be writing anything like this again because I'm crying and I don't have emotions 😭

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