Chapter 7: 016

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"What is this? Who are you? Where am I?" Ash struggled, still strapped down in the bed.

"I can teach you how to use your powers." The man sat down on the bed.

Ash stopped struggling and faced the man, "M-my powers? What are you talking about?"

"Will, your friend, he's here. He told us you were the way to stop the shadow monster. The one he's been seeing. And since you know about the shadow monster, we don't want anyone else knowing."

"Where am I?" Ash yelled and when she heard Will's name, she became angry. "Answer me!"

"Catch a hint, you're in Hawkins lab, 016."

"016? What did you just call me?" Ash looked down to her wrist that had 016 tatted into her wrist. This is not happening. "I don't have powers. I don't know what you're talking about."

"You were there, in the other world. You saw the monster, tell me, tell me what happened." He moved closer to her.

"Nothing. Happened. I ran. The monster didn't get me."

"Are you sure about that?" The man said as he moved closer to the girl, putting his hand over where her cut was.

"Don't touch that, it's not healed." The man held up a mirror so that Ash could see her forehead. What the hell? Ash's cut was gone, healed, not even a scar was there. The man started to untie her wrists and ankles.

She pushed past him, running to the door, when two guards stopped in front of it, blocking her path. "No. Please. This can't be happening."

The man stood up, walking over to Ash, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Lessons begin today. Now." He pushed the girl out of the room, keeping his hands on her shoulders as he guided her to a room. The lab was just like El had described, tiles, bare, bright. They walked into a room, and the man shut the door.

"You can call me Papa." The man spoke.

Ash sat down in a chair as the man picked up some papers.

"Now, what is something that makes you angry?"

Ash scoffed, "Right now? You. This place."

"Good, good, what about outside?"

"You mean the real world?" Ash chuckled.

The man placed what looked like a hair net onto her head. Ash felt her head, making sure her hair was still there, it was. Thank god.

"Okay so tell me, what makes you angry." The man repeated and crossed his legs, clicking a pen, beginning to write.

"Um, I don't know, people making fun of my friends."

"Okay, what else?"

"People calling me names."

"Like what?"

Ash thought to herself and closed her eyes. She still had to talk to Max.

"Dyke." Ash gulped.

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