Chapter 3

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Didn't think I was gonna write another chapter but, here I am!


Izuku's pov:

"Is he going to be okay?" Why cant i speak?? I cant feel my body at all!! But, I can hear everything..?

"He should wake up within the next few hours, though I'm afraid theres a slight problem..." What problem? Am I going to die?!

"Well?" Come on tell me!!... Or us?

"He's pregnant..." ... What, how?!

"How?" My exact question!

"It seems he's intersex, meaning he was born with a penis and uterus. I'm not entirely sure on how that works though. All I can say is that the pregnancy should last as long as a female's pregnancy, and he'll give birth via C-section." I'm sorry but, what?

This guys kidding, right? I'm not really pregnant, right? Doesn't he know I'm a boy? ... Theres no way... right?

Wait a minute. I can feel my toes! I think whatever this is, is ending!!



3rd pov:

Izuku's eyes were shot open. The first thing out of his mouth was as follows.

"You're joking. Right?"

"God! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" A man with maroon eyes and brown messy hair stated.

"I'm sorry but, who are you?" He asked harshly

"Aw, does Zuzu not remember his own boyfriend??" The taller one said with sarcasm.


"The one and only."

"I'd get up and tackle you but I am currently too tired to move, plus I just found out I'm pregnant."

"How did you?-"

"Did you not know Mr. Chaiski, some people can hear when unconscious, this mostly in coma's though... I'll run a few tests once the child is delivered — That is if Mr. Midoriya chooses to keep the child."

'I forgot I had to make that choice...' Izuku thought to himself.

"So what do you say Mr. Midoriya? Theres only a few weeks left until its to late for an abortion. So you better choose quickly and wisely."

*DISCONTINUED??* { No Such Thing As A Happy Ending }  { OverDeku }Where stories live. Discover now