𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

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Third Person POV
Karl and Y/n start their journey back towards the SMP. They quicken their steps, hoping to get there faster. They walk up towards.. well.. what used to be the community house. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" The boy said, Y/n stumbling behind him, not used to hearing him swear often. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE COMMUNITY HOUSE?" Y/n screams, their thoughts suddenly being cut off by 2 people holding back their brother, pushing him towards the prison. Y/n stares in disbelief, not comprehending the situation just yet. "I-I should get going.." They tell Karl. "Oh. Alright.." He replies, the boy looking down at the dewy grass, walking away from them, slowly approaching his home.

I walk the paths of the SMP, not being here in a long time. I couldn't bother my usual smile, knowing that my older brother was in prison now. "I guess I should explore," I think to myself. All of a sudden, I encounter who I remember as badboyhalo. "Hey bad!" I say, him wearing an unusual grin. "Hey Y/n! Whatcha doing?" He questions. "I'm not really doing anything.." I reply, bbh smiling like crazy. "Wanna come along with me? Sam will be there. I know you two are good friends." "Sure! Why not?" I respond, him grabbing my arm quickly and pulling me towards a weird looking building, covered in reddish vines that bad called "blood vines." We enter the building as he instructs me to go up to a maroon egg-like.. build? I don't even know- "Go ahead! climb on the egg. It's okay! It won't bite.." bad suggests to Sam and I. We approach the top of the egg and stand on it.

Third Person POV
The two friends stood on top of the egg, Sam clutching his head, having a headache as soon as he stepped up, and Y/n, barely able to stand or talk as badboyhalo went to go get Ant. "W-we have to get out of here.." Sam sputters out, still clutching his head.

A few hours pass, bad and ant have left to plan who to get next. A person walks in the room, looking somewhat normal to them. "Help us puffy. Please.." Sam says, pleading with her. She approaches them, helping them off the egg, looking toward the door that her helper would come through any minute. "Tommy! Come help! You get Y/n and I'll help Sam. Let's take them to Niki. She can help." Puffy tells him, him keeping Y/n steady by holding onto one shoulder. "Let's go." Tommy says.

They approach Niki's house, knocking on the door. No answer. "Let's head to techno's. Surely he'll have something for them." Puffy says, also helping Y/n stand up. All of a sudden a 6ft 6 boy, about 18, approaches, worried about the people, Y/n now barely walking, relying on Tommy and puffy for support. "Oh my god! Do you guys need help?" He asks, picking up Y/n, them almost unconscious, and hands the group ender pearls. "Meet us at techno's place" Puffy says, Tommy walking away, knowing he couldn't help much anymore.

I slowly wake up in a bed, in a basement. "Ranboo. They're up." I hear a man with pink hair say, him waving over to the tall boy. "Oh thank god," the boy says, running over to me. "Huh? What happened?" I ask the boy, whose name I assume is Ranboo. "Bad lured you toward the egg. He idolizes the damn thing, so he tries to get others to idolize it as well." He explains, still looking worried. "What about Sam?! Is he okay?" I ask, frantic. "I'm fine." I hear from across the room. "All I needed was a potion and I was good. You on the other hand, have been passed out for about 6 hours." My eyes widen, surprised anyone would stay for that long. "I-I need to go somewhere" I say, trying to get up. "Wait, wait, wait. You couldn't walk when I found you guys! Be careful!" Ranboo says, helping me up. "Thanks. I appreciate it." I say, him all of a sudden curious. "Don't you have a brother? Your voice sounds familiar." He tells me. "I- yes.." I say, looking a bit disappointed about my brother's situation. "Who is it?" He asks, looking confused. "I- here." I say, pulling my version of my brothers mask out, white with a black smiley face. "Oh.. Sorry for asking." He says. "No, it's okay. I'm a bit disappointed in him to be honest." I say, looking down at the floor.

We leave the house, continuing our conversation. "Do you have anywhere to stay?" He questioned, knowing I haven't been here for a while. "Not really. Dream kinda burned it down on accident one day while I was.. uhh.. traveling." I explain. "Ohh. Do you wanna stay at my place for a while?" He suggests, sounding sympathetic. "Sure! Why not?" I say, happy to have a new friend.

He leads me to his spare room, in his basement. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he was a murderer. "This is where you'll stay. Oh wait! I have a surprise for you!" He says, leading me up to his top floor. He opens the trap door fast enough for me to go in and then shuts it. I look around to see a little piglin. "Oh my fucking god. He is adorable! What's his name?" I ask. "His name is Michael! Tubbo and I adopted him a bit after I joined the SMP, which was about 2 months after you started traveling, which I'd heard from Dream." He said, looking genuinely proud of his adopted son. "Hey Michael! This is my friend, Y/n!" He says. "Michael speaks piglin. I don't understand the language but I'm learning!" He says. "I could help you learn!" I say, him surprised at my offer. "Really? How do you know piglin?" He asks, genuinely astonished that I know it. "Well, let's just say that I spent a few years in the nether, it was lonely, so I learned piglin! It's pretty simple if you ask me." I say, patting Michael's head softly.

(1048 words)
Finally done with part 1! I've been writing for about 3 and a half hours. Let's gooo!
(June 25ᵗʰ, 2022, 12:40 pm)

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