Entry 1-1: The World Of Arcaea Has A Problem Now

51 3 1

Group Chat
Thursday, 7 July 20XX
02:19 PM

The Group Chat Named 'Group Chat' Has Been Created!

Hikari: .

Hikari: So that's how it works huh

Tairitsu: what the fuck is this

Hikari: OH

Hikari: Um

Hikari: Hi???

Hikari: Tbh idk either :(

Kou: Ooooo random gc!!!

Hikari: I don't understand anything anymore

Lethe: i don't either

Hikari: Big oof

Lagrange: Oh

Lagrange: Hello i guess

Ayu: wowieeee

Ilith: so lemme get this straight

Ilith: this gc got randomly created bc someone was acting like a boomer and pressed on the wrong button

Hikari: I'M NOT A BOOMER :(

Hikari: But anyway yeah uhhhh that someone was me 😔

Hikari: SORRY 😔🙏🏻

Tairitsu: bruh

Tairitsu: it's ok ig

Vita: This.......makes zero sense to me

Ilith: youve never ever touched a phone in your life huh

Vita: I'm assuming you haven't touched a phone in your life too


Ilith: well ig youre right

Shirabe: lmaooo

Alice: Is this a fever dream

Tenniel: I don't know

Alice: Wait YOU'RE HERE TOO?????

Tenniel: Idk why

Alice: Bruh ok ig

Saya: Well hello i guess

Kanae: Hi !! :)

Eto: hi hi!

Luna: lmao hi ig

Eto: so you're here too

Eto: i see~

Shirahime: holy shit

Shirahime: why tf does that feature even exist

Kou: Eh, idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Tairitsu: maybe whoever made this messaging app was dumb

Saya: Maybe

Vita: I don't understand

Hikari: I sadly don't understand either

Hikari: Uhhhh so introductions?

Tairitsu: sure ig
The entries are supposed to be like chapters and if they look like uhhh this: entry 1-1, that means it has parts. If it doesn't look like that tho then that means no parts lol

Ok bye for now :)

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