08. life is unfair.

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It changes in the blink of an eye— life does.

One moment, Chrissy found herself partying with her closest friends, the next, she found herself mourning the loss of someone she held near and dear to her heart.

Razzle was dead.


What even is 'dead'?

He was dead physically, but his soul and his spirit would forever live on.

At this point, all Chrissy and Tommy had were each other, as their friends had disappeared into their own ventures.

Vince was charged with vehicular manslaughter, and was sentenced to 30 days in jail, but was released after only 19 under good behavior.

Sharise gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Skylar, but Sharise forbade her from seeing her father for obvious reasons.

Mick had dropped off the face of the earth, only emerging for occasional band rehearsals.

Meanwhile, Nikki had fallen head over heels in love. Her name was Heroin. The drug made him feel all the love and warmth he'd never felt as a child. Every night he would sit in his closet, shoot up, pass out, repeat.

Chrissy now sat in the recording studio, nodding off on coke, as Tommy smashed his head repeatedly against a cymbal, and Nikki and Mick sat around unresponsive.

For some reason, Chrissy all of a sudden thought of her parents. She hadn't spoken to them since a week before Razzle died.

That was two months ago.

They hadn't spoken to HER in two months.

Chrissy felt as if her parents were completely at fault for this. Why the fuck did they never try calling her? She gave them the number of her and Tommy's house.

She walked into the sound booth and dialed her home phone on the phone on the wall.



"Hello?" her mother's sweet voice came through the receiver.

"Hi. This is Chrissy."

"Oh my god, I was worried sick about you!" her mother spoke with nervousness.

"Yeah, I just got caught up with some things. How's dad?"

Her mother paused. "The cancer spread. He has a month to live."

Chrissy barely flinched. Coke is a bad drug, but to her, it was pure euphoria. It made all the bad feelings that she could ever feel virtually disappear.

"Just keep in touch, mom. You know where to find me, I know where to find you."

"Okay, I love you."

"Love you too."

"Bye, sweetie."


She slammed the phone back onto the receiver and went back into the recording studio to see Tommy playing a dreamlike sequence on the piano.

Through the midst of all this chaos, he was her safe place.

She stood next to him and wrapped her arms around his left arm.

"You okay, babe?" he questioned.

"Yeah." she whispered.

He kissed the top of her head and removed his arm from her grasp and placed it around her shoulders.

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