8 year ago , the beginning

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Today is a big day
My mom is giving birth to my 4th sibling , she will be the youngest. Till now I was the youngest, I was their baby , their favourite child , I am a good listener, I obey the house rules and I'm always quite. Never in my 8 years of life have I screamed or argued with my family . But now they will forget me , since my mom learnt that she is pregnant with my sis , she was only thinking of her and how great and complete she felt . My other siblings said that she sais  that every time one of us  was born , but I never believed them , I could see that they never really meant it . Anyways let's get back to reality . As I said before today my mom is giving birth to my sister , well actually they don't know it yet but I can feel her coming , that is when I heard a scream , I didn't even flinch, I new exactly what was happening, but I didn't get up to go see her or go with them in the hospital, I stayed home and when I felt everyone was gone I felt a tear going down my eyes and then my tears were going down so fast , making me feel like someone was running a marathon in my face , But the most interesting thing was the fact that I didn't feel sad or the need to cry , I just cried.

For the rest of the week I didn't come out of my room , but everyone was coming in it , not because they wanted to see me like they used to , but for my new born sister , they didn't even say hi to me .

As months and years past , no one remembered my existence, sometimes I wouldn't even eat because I didn't get out of my room and because no one asked if I was hungry , my mom wouldn't bring me food like she used to , when I was sick they never knew or when I felt my heart would stop from crying no one was there to hug and tell me that everything will be fine . Then I knew that it was time for me to start being more active and learn how to take care of myself ; and that is what I did . I became my own guardian!

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