The present is a present !

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K , let's begin my story from the present . Now that you now why no one remembers my existence I think you'll understand me and my thoughts better. As I said in the beginning, my life is quite complicated but not because of an actual reason , sometimes I think I might be the one wants it that way to feel normal. Anyways to continue my theory and thoughts life is so weird that makes you think if you are actually then one who is controlling it . If it was possible for us to control our lives, for sure it would be different, but now unexpected things happen , things that we didn't know about , things that can change our feelings in ways that we didn't now could change . Moreover, we never get what we want or at least I don't get to , must be the fact that I'm not the doll that people like the most so I am just left in the bed of the doll house or used for stupid things . But of course this just a thought or is it ?  Ha see what I did there , I played with your minds .

Ok I didn't this is actually how my mind works and you might not understand what I am saying , but you are not the only one 😉

Enough with the talking, let the story begin !!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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