•16• interrupted

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"Jisung?" Minho knock the door from Jisung's and Chan's room where Jisung is sleeping

Minho open the door when he receive no respond

Minho giggled when he saw Jisung sleeping with his cute squirrel cheeks got squished by the pillow

Minho closed the door behind him and went to Jisung direction and sit besides the sleeping squirrel on the edge of the bed

Minho swept some of Jisungs hair that covered his eyes and swept it behind Jisungs ear

Minho smiled admiringly
"Why so cute" Minho giggled

Minho tilt his head and caressing Jisung's hair who was still sleeping, he smiled admiring Jisung sleeping peacefuly

"I'll take care of you baby"

Jisung groan tiredly, Minho eye's widening and took his hand away quickly from Jisung's hair

"Hyung?" Jisung said with his sleepy voice

"Oh uh-" Minho cleared his throat
"I want to take care of you- i m-mean I was just visiting you since.. You're injured" Minho stutter

Jisung sit up his eyes closed with his hair messy

When Jisung was now fully awake and opened his eyes there he met a handsome figure ,Minho's face was so closed to his ,they both widen they're eyes when they realized they were only a few inch away from each other, Jisung's heart skip a beat and he felt his cheek burning, somehow non of them dare to move away instead staring at each others eyes admiring each others existence

Jisung slowly closed his eyes and Minho fallowed and moving forward to Jisung's lips

But a sudden knock made the two jump and interrupted their moment

"Minho, Jisung, I'm coming in" Changbin said quietly making sure if he wasn't inturpted Jisung's sleep

Minho back away immediately when he heard the door creak meaning Changbin opened the door

Jisung scratch his nape awkwardly still his cheeks tinted with crimson

'Damn.. We almost kissed' Jisung thought

"Oh Jisung you're finally awake" Changbin closed the door behind him

"Yeah.. But you ruin it.." Jisung mumbled

"Huh? what's that I didn't quite hear what you just said" Changbin Said confusingly he take a sit at the chair in front of Jisung's bed

"Oh nothing nothing! So what made you go in here"

"Why? can't I visit you?,am I not allowed?? Oh yeah I almost forgot Fatrisha came here earlier and she said she wants to take care of you or something to do with responsibility" Changbin said

"Oh.." Minho looked down

"Oh tell her thank you but I can take care of my self so tell her don't worry about you're 'responsibly' you already helped me"

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