•25• Explained

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"Jisung!!" The girl came running towards Jisung and hugged him tightly

"I heared the news Sung.. ,I'm so so sorry that happened" The girl said almost tearing up ,she feel bad about her friend

"Trisha.." Jisung hugged back ,now he thinks that Trisha isn't the one who done it ,but NO he can't be that naive ,What if she was just acting? But what if she was being for real? Now Jisung was 50/50 on her

There is only one way to find out ,he has to confront her

Trisha pulled back and look at Jisung who was facing down "Jisung.. are you okay? Is there something that you wanted to tell me?" Trisha said holding his shoulder

Jisung finally looked up "Trisha.. i.." Jisung hesitated if he's gonna say it ,Jisung is scared, scared of what will happened next

Jisung had a look on his face ,Trisha knew that look Jisung is disoriented on something

"Jisung... You think that it was me who done it didn't you.. Jisung I know that look" Trisha was a bit sad, Trisha raised her eyebrows signaling him to say something

Jisung slowly nodded "look I don't wanna assume that it you who done it, but I need answer Trish," Jisung said with glossy eyes

"Jisung I would never..." Trisha is disappointed that he thinks that she would do such thing ,or did she? "What make you think that is me"

"Those pictures... Trisha those pictures were the time where we hangout togather.. ,at the practice room and at the domitory ,you were there with us' Jisung didn't want to have a fight right now

"Jisung you know I would never do that you're my friend I'm not a type of a person who's just gonna betray a friend" Trisha said ,Jisung look at her into her eyes ,it sounds very sincere, He doesn't know anymore he didn't know who and what to believe

"Then who" Jisung said

Trisha look down ,she think for a little while and her eyes widening as she gasp

"Oh.. shit.." Trisha cursed, Jisung tilted his head in confusion, Trisha looked at Jisung with a surprise look

"Jisung you have to listen to me.. there are sasaeng following you! I swear to god I saw this two girls outside your domitory I didn't care much about them cuz i thought they were just passing by ,But they were holding a Camera standing right in the corner!!" Trisha explained

"But I didn't see them once but thrice ,at the domitory and out side of Jyp's building" Trisha said with full enthusiasm

"Wait two girls.." Jisung said with a worried expression

"Yes they were two they were like best friends I guess" Trisha explained

"Oh fucking hell.. those two I don't know if it's really them but I got a feeling that these two were the one who just harassed us a few months ago, they were sasaeng..." Jisung said
"What possibly they were doing outside of Jyp's building?" Jisung ask

"I think they were talking one of the staff ,I don't really remember because I was just passing by but I do remember when I pay attention to them since i think they were familiar and I heared about 'take some pics then I'll give you Monday?' I don't really hear it well" Trisha explained

"Trisha it's not Monday it's probably money, I knew they were up to something bad" Jisung click his tongue "but we just need to confirm it cuz we still have no evidence" Jisung said

Then right after that they hugged again and Jisung apologize for accusing her ,but it doesn't mean he trust her fully ,she can pretend or made up that story ,but what she said was kinda shocking to him since they never tell Trisha about this sasaeng


Jisung went to the domitory right after that , he was overthinking while walking back home

'what if the sasaeng was actually following us and heared our conversation?'
'what if Trisha was actually pretending to be innocent?
'what if he could never see Minho again after hiatus?'
'what if they will get kick out from the group?'

Those questions were stuck on Jisungs head


I'm sorry for not updating again😭

I'm gonna extend another chapter since my mind has another plan to this story heheh

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