the beginning

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the truth is, i will never stop loving you.

the morning after our breakup was the worst. i woke up thinking about everything we have been through. thick and thin. his parents' divorce. my brother getting in a car crash, and surviving after five days in the hospital. i thought about all our late night talks. all those "i love you" texts every morning and night. the time we danced in the rain until we couldn't walk. our movie nights, where i got to cuddle next to you and fall asleep. our basketball games where you would lift me up so i could dunk.

everything down the drain. and the thing is, even with our arguments, i will never ever forget about you. it's almost like you are still here.

i walked out of my room surrounded by all my family members asking if i needed anything. i care about my family so so much, but at this moment i just needed to run. run away. sit in the field behind our house and cry.

this all may seem over dramatic, but once you lose the love of your life, you will understand. not only was he my first love, he was also my best friend. the one person i could trust my life with. the one person i could tell anything to and he would just sit and listen. i loved him and i still do. that will never change.

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