chapter one

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I slammed my dresser door shut and got into my own personal bathroom. Yes I have a personal bathroom, yes that means my parents have money and yes that means I have a good life. 


This might be one of the last times I will be able to use my own bathroom. My parents are getting a divorce somewhere this week and when everything is sorted me, my mom and my brother will move all the way to the top of England. 

''As far away from your father as possible.'' my mom said. 

I still couldn't understand why they were getting a divorce in the first place. Everything seemed fine to me. But maybe that was because I was either outside with friends or listening to music. I guess I just didn't hear them argue as much as my older brother did. 

I turned on the sink and splashed some cold water in my face. It instantly woke me up. 

I haven't had a proper night of sleep the past few days since my parents announced they were getting a divorce and we were moving away from London. 

I liked London. Not because it was London but because I was so attached to everything around me. The shops, the people, my friends, my school, everything. 

I am gonna miss it here. I wish I could just turn back time and make sure I was at home a lot more so I could have made sure things didn't get out of the hand while they were arguing again. They were always arguing. At least, that is what my brother always tells me. He says they never shut up and the arguements always start out of little things like me getting home passed my curfew. 

I got dressed and got my make up bag out of the dresser underneath the sink. I picked up my foundation and applied it to my face, next I applied my mascara and eyeliner. 

As soon as I finished getting ready I turned off the light in the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I walked over to the large mirror in my room and looked at my clothes. I wasn't looking too bad today. 

Although my hair looks like a mess. But the hair band around my wrist was my saving because I needed to hurry up. I put my hair into a messy bun on top of my head, swung my school bag over my shoulder and skipped downstairs. 

My mom was laying on the couch, with an empty bottle of alcohol next to her on the floor. This is how I found her quite often when I got home from school, out with friends or when I needed to wake up early because of school. 

''Mom wake up.'' I whispered while shaking lightly at her arm. 

''Yeah I'm up.'' She murmered while turning around, her front was now facing me. 

She looked tired. She had dark circles under her eyes and her mascara was all over her face. Her bun had fallen out and there were bobby pins next to her head which had fallen out of her hair while she was asleep and her clothes were all wrinkly and there were a few little stains on her new white blouse. 

She sat up and rubber in her eyes with her hands. Then she yawned and shook her head before picking up the bottle from the floor and the half eaten pizza that was still on the table from last night's dinner. 

Since the fights with my father, my mother started to neglect herself. She got dressed, ate and slept though. But she overworked to get money since my fathers income was gone. Which made her tired and go to bed really late at night. 

I have to do with her. I really do but I just don't think there is anything I can do for her. Exept being there for her to do some chorse in the house when she isn't able to. 

''I'm leaving for school mom. I will be back at around 3.30 okay? Ring me if I need to bring anything home after school.'' I said while putting on my shoes and coat. 

''Yeah okay I will.'' She murmered before she sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. 

autors note :  hi guys, first of all please let me know what you think about this first chapter. If you think it's rubbish I won't continue this story cause I don't feel like putting too much effort in a story that i know barely anyone will read. love you all.

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