chapter two

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The last day on my old school was finished. I said goodbye to everyone I ever talked to, even some of my teachers said they'd miss me when I was gone.

Hard to believe but I was going to miss this school. This was the only school I have ever been to without getting bullied or yelled at for being myself. I liked going to this school.

And now, just because of my stupid parents I had to start all over again. A new school, new people, a new life.

''Hey Alex, want a ride home?'' I heard Kevin scream while he drove past on his scooter.

''Sure, why not?'' I jumped on the back of his scooter and we quickly drove to my house.

''I'm gonna miss you you know?'' He said while rubbing my hand with his thumb quickly.

''I'm gonna miss you too. I hate this.'' I nearly started crying.

''Don't worry. You are an amazing girl, I'm sure you will find new friends there. Just don't forget about us here okay?'' He looked around and smiled before turning his eyes back on the road.

''I hope..'' I whispered.

''Okay we are here.'' He said while stopping and turning of the engine of the scooter.

''Yeah I guess..'' I looked down at my feet, now wanting to say goodbye to one of the best friends I've ever had in my life. 

''Come here.'' He opened his arms and I walked straight into them, crying my heart out on his shoulder.

When I finally managed to stop crying I walked back and looked at his vest. Bad luck he was wearing a white vest today, it was now stained in mascara.

''I'm sorry about your vest..'' I said while pointing at the stain I made.

''No biggy, you know my mom is amazing in doing the laundry.'' He smirked and then looked down at his feet. 

''Well I guess I will go finish packing my bags then.'' I said before walking to the front door.

''I guess yeah. We will keep contact right?'' He yelled.

''Of course!'' I yelled back and waved at him before closing the door behind me.


''Are you finished packing Alexandra?'' I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

''Yeah, I'm coming down now.'' I said while walking down the stairs with my last 2 boxes of stuff from my room.

I put the 2 boxes in the van and walked back into the house to say my last goodbye.

The I picked up my backpack with the things I'd need for on the road and got into my moms car. This was certainly gonna be a long long drive to a new life.

''Mom I'm gonna miss London alot.'' I whispered while texting Kevin.

''I'm gonna miss London too sweetie, I just don't want to be close to your father at the moment.'' She grabbed my hand and pinched it.

''But what if I get him to move to another country? Can we go back to London again in a few weeks or months?''

''I don't think so.. Maybe it's best for all of us to start a new life without trouble.'' She looked at me and smiled.

''Mom I need to pee!'' My brother whined from the backseat.

''We will cross a tank station any minute. When you go pee get me and your sister some drinks and maybe some sandwiches as well will you?''

''Yes maaaam.'' He said, clearly annoyed because he had to do something for once.

''Do you think you will like Yorkshire?'' Mom asked, not knowing what else to say.

''I don't know. We've only been there once so I don't know what to think of it.'' I said, while slipping my phone out of my pocket, unlocking it and continue texting Kevin.

autors note : okay this is just a filler, but in the following chapters things will start happening so prepare for it x

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