Flowing Petals

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She walked into the halls, and looked around to see a bunch of rooms, she looked at the numbers of the room until she saw
Room 016

Lilac : "i hope this is the right room..."

Lilac's heartbeat were faster and loud, she could even hear her own heartbeat, the feeling of nervousness filled her up as she opened the door

She saw nobody else except,
Her sister, Lily Path
She was devastated to see bandages were almost everywhere her body, she walked closer to her

Lilac : "its all because of me isnt it?"

She stared at Lily, waiting for a response, but unfortunately only silence responded to her

Lilac : "answer me Lily, please.. im sorry.."

Tears starting to flow Lilac's cheek as she tries to wake her sister up

Lilac : "[sobs] im sorry.. im so sorry.. [sniffle] its all my fault..i shouldnt do this.. i shouldnt be selfish..[sobs]"

She stared at Lily with guilt and sadness, she didnt know what to do to make up with all her mess, she wiped the tears that fell onto her cheeks, holding Lily's hand and gripping it

Lilac : "i hope you could hear me to say that im sorry.. sis"

Lilac was about to walk out Lily's room but then a doctor walked inside and noticed her

Doctor : "oh! are you one of Lily's family member?"

Lilac : "oh..yes i am, im her sister"

Doctor : "your parents just went home earlier, shouldnt you go home too? Its too late to stay here"

Lilac : "oh r-right, I'll go back home, please take care of my sister"

Doctor : "i will, lets all wish the best for her"

Lilac nodded and walked out the room, she exits the hospital and book up a taxi again

Lilac : "will mom and dad...be mad at me? I really hope not"

She waited for the taxi she booked outside the hospital, she looked down on her feet and thinks about all the time she did something bad to Lily, it all went from year to year, they were a family, but Lily never felt like they were a family
but rather a stranger

Tears started to flew down her cheeks again, she knew its all useless, because it already happened

She wiped her tears again and saw a taxi honking, she quickly runs up to the taxi

Driver : "Lilac Path right?"

Lilac : "[sniffle] yeah..thats me"

She opened the car door and sits inside

Driver : "your going home?"

Lilac : "yeah"

Driver : "must been an exhausting day there huh?"

Lilac : "not really"

The driver turns the car on and started to drive

Lilac checked her phone and noticed a notification, turns out Charlie had blocked all of her thousands alternative account, though she couldnt careless more at this situation, it doesnt matter for now

A notification popped out again, and now this were from her parents


Dad : where are you.

Lilac : checking on lily, yes i visited the hospital

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