Falling Petals

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Today was a bright morning, The sunshine reaches Lilac bed, shortly after Lilac's alarm beeped which made her woke up from her sleep


Lilac : "its morning already?..[yawns]"

Lilac sat up on her bed, she grabbed her phone and checked the date

Lilac : "oh..today Lily's Going back home.."

Lilac puts her phone down on the nightstand, she stood up from her bed and goes to the bathroom

Once Lilac was ready, she went downstairs, she didnt saw her parents near, but even so she didnt care, she proceeds to go out her house

She had freetime to do anything she wants, but she has no idea what to do, so she decides to have a stroll around the park near her neighbourhood

It took her a few minutes to arrive at the park, she stare around the park, its not much crowded even though its weekend, Lilac began to have a quick walk, the wind breeze was nice, birds were flying around the sky, and some people were also enjoying the beautiful nature in the park

Lilac's stroll went quite fine, she has not stumble any problems, that what she thought before she saw Charlie, Lily's friend, she was sitting on a bench, she looks like shes doing fine but not exactly happy

Lilac stopped walking the minute she saw Charlie, panicking, she quickly rushes to hide behind a big tree

She peeks a little at Charlie, it seems that she has not notices that Lilac was near her, Lilac sighed in relief

Lilac decides to take another path to continue her walk, she walks out the tree's back and a hand touched her shoulder

"Lilac, i know your hiding"

Lilac quickly turned her head around, and of course, she saw Charlie, with a not-so-welcoming face

Lilac : "oh-...hi Charlie?"

Charlie : "its quite a surprise seeing you here"

Charlie finally took her hand off Lilac's shoulder

Lilac : "yea, right..well i- gotta go"

Lilac tried to elaborate from Charlie, though before she could Charlie grabbed her wrist which made Lilac could not run away

Lilac : "you need something?.."

Charlie sigh slightly, she stares at Lilac

Charlie : "well, we sort off need to talk"

Lilac : "alright then?"

They both approaches the nearest bench and took a seat

Lilac : "what did you wanna tell me just now?"

Charlie : "i..just wanna know how was Lily's conditions"

Lilac : "oh, shes doing great, shes going home today"

Charlie : "really?!"

Lilac : "yeah, me and my parents are gonna pick her up later"

Charlie : "could you inform me when she arrive here?"

Lilac : "i dont think i need to, she will contact you on her own, since your her best friend and all"

Charlie : "right.."

Lilac : "thats all right?"

Charlie : "wait i got something more, things been hard and stuffs, we both made mistakes, so i'll just say it, im sorry"

Lilac : "..im.. also sorry, i was never the best person lately, but im pretty sure i changed, things been pretty good with Lily now"

Charlie : "heh she gave you another chance? That sure is lucky of you"

Lilac : "yeah"

Charlie : "i gotta go back now, bye"

Charlie stood up from the bench, waves Lilac a goodbye, and left her alone

Soon enough, Lilac continued her walk, the rest of her stroll was peaceful, once she had enough, she walks back to her house

When she entered her house, her parents were getting ready to pick Lilac's twin sister from the hospital

Lilac walks up to her Mom, who is trying to find her purse

Lilac : "mom"

Mom : "what is it Lilac?"

Lilac : "can i also come pick Lily up?"

Mom : "sure whatever."

Her mom is focused on searching her purse while Lilac ran upstair to get ready

Once everyone was ready, they walks in the car and drives to the hospital where Lily is

Clouds covered the Sun's sunlight, Lilac stared outside the car's window, cars were passing by, bunch of people walking on the side, it was the common view of a traffic road

Lilac rested her back on the comfy car seat, she have a good feeling about today

Dad : "the road sure is busy today, could have been a better day if we had a smooth trip"

Mom : "what do you expect? Its the traffic afterall"

Dad : "what i meant is, its more busy than usual Hon"

Mom : "it rather looks less crowded to me, your probably just impatient"

Dad : "sure whatever"

After a few hours of driving and honking, they finally got near to the hospital

Dad : "left and right and we'll arrive"

Mom : "you really were right when you said the road was busy"

Dad : "i never say something wrong!"

Mom : "whatever"

Lilac was staring at the window, she didnt even realize they had almost arrive at their destination, Lilac quickly snaps back when she saw familiar buildings

Mom : "Lilac, you've been quiet lately, are you nervous about Lily?"

Lilac : "..i-its nothing, really"

Mom : "i could tell that your nervous with your face Lilac"

Lilac : "okay, yes, im nervous"

Mom : "well dont be, shes your sister, what do you need to be nervous about?"

Lilac : "{well maybe because alot of things had happened between us? God. Your really clueless but rude at the same time}"

Lilac was frustated by a thought but shakes it off quickly, Lilac already apologized to Lily, and she even forgives her, so whats making her so nervous?

After a few minutes went by, the car stopped in front of the hospital, conveniently, her parents didnt have to go outside the car and bring Lily in, because Lily was already outside the hospital, she was wearing casual comfortable clothes, Lily had spotted her parents car, then she quickly walks toward the car

The weather suddenly started raining, Lily quickly runs up to the car, before she could reach it, a honk was heard from one of her side, when she turned around to hear where the sound came from, a bus came running onto her

Lily quickly runs and thankfully she dodged the bus, Lily was still a meter away from her parents car so she walked to her parents car quickly, and before she noticed, her body was thrown away by a moving car

Lily's body who has recovered from a crash accident, was once again crashed by a transportation

Blood began to color the road just like what happened the other day

Lilac, has witnessed all of that, with her bare eyes

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