Chapter 1 - Reincarnation

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I finally got out of college-hell, I can take an easy job, and relax for the rest of my life. But that's not gonna happen for a while, after all, Part-Two of Tensura just finished airing, I can finally binge it! And I have the new light novel volume too, ahh, I can't wait. I can't wait to see Rimuru and his subordinates kick some Falmuth arse! It's going to be amazing.

The road is fairly empty, everyone's at work. The crossing light turns green, signalling me to take the crossing.

"Hey kid! Watch out!" a man shouts.

I turn around to a blue truck speeding towards me, "What the fuc-"


"S-son don't look..."

What was that guy thinking... the crossing light was clearly green, was the dude drunk or something? I can't believe I die right before my Tensura binge, can I at least reincarnate in Tensura? That would be nice. God, what am I saying?

It was at that moment the air changed, it felt heavier, like the universe itself was listening.

"HEY KID, KID! ARE YOU CONSCIOUS?" a man asked me. He started shaking my arm.

Yeah, yeah, I'm conscious. Good God, dude, stop shaking my arm, it hurts so much. Stop, dammit! I get that you mean well, but STOP! UHG!

⟪Confirmed. Pain Resistance... successfully acquired. Extra Skill "Madness"... successfully acquired.⟫

The fuck is that? I'm dying here and some girl's talking super calmly like nothing is out of the ordinary.

"Did anyone call 119, yet?" a woman asked.

"Yeah, yeah, me, they should be here shortly!" a teenager responded.

God, shut up, they aren't gonna arrive in time anyway, just shut the hell up, please! You're so damn loud!

⟪Confirmed. Extra Skill "Madness" has evolved into Unique Skill "Mad One". Dislike of loud sounds... Cannot execute, a request that damages the user is not acceptable. Inversing effects... successful. A body with heightened hearing... successfully acquired. Broadening heightened hearing to all five senses... successful. A body with heightened senses... successfully acquired.⟫

What the hell? Are you make fun of me? Of course I'm mad, I got hit a goddamn truck, who wouldn't be mad? Ah screw it, no point in getting angry now. Though... after all that college-hell and getting top marks, just for me to die. Great.

⟪Confirmed. Extra Skill "Intelligence"... successfully acquired.⟫

I wonder what death's like. I wonder if I'll get to talk to anyone, like God, or if it's just nothingness.

⟪Confirmed. A person to communicate with. Extra Skill "Disembodied Voice"... successfully acquired. Extra Skill "Disembodied Voice" wishes to make a request to the Voice of the World. Allowed, please proceed.⟫

«Affirmative. Extra Skill "Disembodied Voice" wishes to be fused with Extra Skill "Intelligence" so I may be of more use to my master» a male voice spoke.

⟪Request received. The request is granted. Extra Skill "Disembodied Voice" and Extra Skill "Intelligence" have fused. Unique Skill "Intelligent One"... successfully acquired.⟫

Oh my God... just shut up, dude. Uhg, I won't even be able to watch anime, this sucks!

⟪Confirmed. Extra Skill "Project"... successfully acquired.⟫

It's hard to breathe... and there's blood in my mouth, why can't it just end already.

⟪Confirmed. A body that does not require a respiratory system... successfully acquired. A body that does not require a circulatory system... successfully acquired.⟫

It's so hot, it feels like I'm on the surface of the sun.

⟪Confirmed. Heat Resistance... successfully acquired.⟫

And now it's cold... Give me a break, please.

⟪Confirmed. Cold Resistance.. successfully acquired. Fusing Cold Resistance and Heat Resistance. Thermal Fluctuation Resistance... successfully acquired.⟫

This entire week's been generally bad. First the exams, and now I die. Only good thing was when I got another guy caught for copying my exam answers. Was really funny. But seriously, that dude didn't change a single thing. Those answers were exact replicas of mine.

⟪Confirmed. Copying of answers to an intelligence benchmarking programme... Cannot execute. Insufficient information. Finding substitute... Found. Unique Skill "Replica"... successfully acquired.⟫

I hear the ambulance sirens, but it's too late. I slowly lose consciousness. And finally I died.




⟪Deciding on body for individual... Thought Domination subskill of "Mad One"... Illusionary nature of "Project"... Body without a circulatory or respiratory system... Ideal species found: Vampire. Proceeding... Error. Vampires can only be born from another vampire turning a target... Solution found. Ideal species changed: Progenitor Vampire/Vampire True Ancestor. Confirmed. Deciding on birth location for individual... Requirements: a location with decent amounts of magicules. Found. Near the individual Veldora. Error. High chance of death detected due to infant body... aging body to that of a twelve year old. Confirmed. Reincarnation shall now commence.⟫

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a VampireWhere stories live. Discover now