Just The Beginning

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Alex woke up expecting a normal day just how wrong he was. He woke up at 5am like normal and did his daily exercises then went to his therapy session. He hated them but also knew that he needed them unless he wants to have another break down that could get him killed. (He was still in shock from Jack's death and was having a hard time he getting over it so Mrs Jones got him therapy).
I'm the middle of his therapy he got a call from an unknown number guessing it was Mrs Jones he answered it. just like he expected it was her you could hear a sense of unease in her voice when she said that he neaded him to be at the bank as quickly as possible.

Once he was able to escape from the torture of therapy went straight to Mrs Jones office ignoring the receptionist and security guard telling him to stop. Once he got there he noticed that Ben/fox was there as well as the rest of k-unit. Saying "what do you want" looking straight at Mrs Jones eyes ignoring the others. K unit was taken aback by the sense of authority he had in his voice wondering who he was. Fox and Mrs Jones flinched knowing he wouldn't be happy about what they where going to say.

AN: Sorry that this is so short but I need to get used to writing so it might take a while for them to get longer sorry for any inconvenience.

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