Chapter 19~How Could you?!

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Niall's POV

It has been three weeks after mine and Andy's date, and everything is going perfectly!

Yes, we are dating! And, tonight me, her and the rest of the lads are going out to a club to celebrate.... I don't really know what we're celebrating... But we are celebrating something!

"Niall!" Liam says, snapping his fingers in my face.

"What? Sorry Li, I zoned out a bit dere." I say.

"I saiddd, go get ready we're leaving in 30 minutes."

Oh yeah, we are!

I run upstairs to my room and start looking through my wardrobe.

After 5 minutes of searching for the right thing to wear, I settle on some jeans, and a blue wife beaters shirt.

I walk downstairs and realize I have ten minutes to spare. Eh, may as well eat something to waste time!

Andy's POV

After about a half hour of looking, I finally found the dress I was looking for. It was a short, blue strapless dress the really showed off my legs. (Picture in sidebar)

Not to be cocky or anything, but I looked GOOD! 

"Hey Nialler!" I say, running down the stairs and into the living room. I plop down on the couch beside him and he stares at me in awe.

"Andy, you look-"

"Hot" Harry says, cutting Niall off.

"I was going to say beautiful, but eh, whatever floats your boat!" Niall says.

"Well, thanks." I say, a crimson colour now tinting my cheeks.

"There goes you go blushing again Andy!" Louis says, walking into the room and pinching my cheeks.

"Well! Let's go to the club!!! Liam says, walking into the room.

We all walk over to the door and get our shoes on. We're about to leave when Zayn speaks up saying "Are you honestly wearing trainers to a club...?"

"Yes, I honestly am!" I say, walking out of the flat. 

***At The Club*** 

We are all sitting in a booth, sipping on our drinks.

Then Louis screams "WE'RE HERE TO PAAAAAAR-TAY! C'mon Harry, let's go dance!"

Louis, Harry and Zayn all run out to the dance floor and start making stupid, strange dance moves.

But, just because they are stupid, doesn't mean they were'nt hilarious; Because let me tell you, they were hilarious!!!

"Well, I'm gonna go supervise the dancing, drunk idiots over there! Have fun!" Liam says before walking off, leaving me and Niall alone.

"So, hows a going gorgeous!!!" Niall says, making me blush while he wraps his hand around mine.

"I'm fine." I say, looking at my shoes, a blush still prominent on my face.

"Well, I have to go to the looo; Be right back, Andy! Love ya!" He says, running off.

He is so adorable. He really knows how to make me smile.

'Aweee' I think to myself.

My drink is all gone. I guess I'll go get another one!

I'm walking over to the bar when I see Niall standing by the toilets while some black haired, slutty looking chick shoves her tongue down his throat.....

How..... how could he?!? He just said he loved me, then he goes around, making out with some slut?!?!

I can feel tears now escaping my eye lids.

Next thing I know, my feet are bringing me to the doors of the bar.

I'm running out the doors as I hear Harry yelling after me, obviously realising I've left.

Now, tears are continuously running down my face. I can't believe he did that.

I thought I loved him, I thought for once, I could actually trust someone.

Guess that's what I should've expected. After all, all hope brings is misery when your let down.

I don't really know where I'm going. All I know, is that anywhere other than in that bar, is better.

Harry's POV 

"Andy!!!" I yell, trying to get my way through the crowd over to the door.

I was dancing with Louis, and Zayn, doing the 'Screw The Light bulb, Pat the dog' Dance he was famous for when I saw Andy with tears streaming down her face as she ran out of the club.

Whats going on? I think to myself.

Oh boy, looks like I just found out.

Over, standing by the loo is Niall, with some girls tongue down his throat....

"Niall!" I yell, pulling them apart. "What the hell are you doing?!?! Andy saw, and just bolted out of the club! What the f*ck is wrong with you?!?!"

Niall's POV

Some fan just stuck her tongue in my mouth and now Andy is gone.... Oh dear god.... What do I do?!?!


Hope you guys liked this chappie!!! Sorry It took so long!!!!


I'm babysitting who? -EDITING-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora