Chapter Nine

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When I woke up, I was surprised to see that he was still asleep. Usually, he'd go to sleep later and wake up before everyone else. I was glad he was getting some good rest.

He looked much softer without his glasses on and especially when he wasn't glaring. Eun-Hyuk was very good looking and I knew all the girls at school thought so. Even my classmates would frequently comment on him when he picked me up. Several wanted me to set them up, but I always had an excuse - he had work, he had to study, he had somewhere to be.

The truth was, even back then, I wanted him to myself. I didn't want any other girls to hang around him because I liked his attention on me. Unfortunately, I wasn't always discrete and I'd end up with Eun-Yu laughing at how clingy I was.

I think she knew I had a crush on her brother long before I did and I wished that I could've had the chance to tell him before all of this happened because what time did we have for that now?

Suddenly, I noticed the shift in his face and I quickly buried my face back into his chest, pretending to be asleep.

"I know you're awake," he mumbled, voice husky from sleep.

I merely smiled against him, knowing he could probably feel that, but I was happy. I liked waking up in his arms.

He let out a soft sigh and buried his face into my hair again. "I should get up. There's a lot to do. I've already slept longer than I should."

With a frown, I tightened my hold on him. "Just a little longer?"

"Maybe a little. A few minutes," he conceded.

I pressed myself as close as I could against him, but froze when I felt something poke me. My heart leapt in my chest. I had a suspicion what it was, but since he didn't react, curiosity won over me.

I wiggled in his arms again, brushing against the same part of his body.

This time, he let out a low groan. "Don't do that."

I flushed. "Sorry, oppa."

"Especially not when you say it like that."


He enjoyed waking up to her in his arms. A part of him thought he was still dreaming because everything felt too peaceful. Since the monsters started appearing, it was as if he was constantly running on adrenaline.

In moments like these, he could imagine life as it was before. Where he could silently dote on her, but he also wanted to be more than silent. He didn't want her to just see him as her brother.

He thought that it would be temporary, having the rest of the residents think they were siblings, but once they started lying by omission, it just never stopped. Even now when they could've come clean, they didn't.

Where were they going with this?

What did he even want as the end game?

Clearly, he didn't treat her like he did with Eun-Yu. In fact, his sister had pointed that out to him time and time again. It was obvious he didn't see her as a sibling.

As he was lost in thought, he suddenly felt her brush against a sensitive spot on his body. He froze, unsure of what to do. Should he move away to hide it or should he bring her closer and just throw all sense of decency aside?

Shadows Within (Lee Eun-Hyuk x OC x Cha Hyun-Su)Where stories live. Discover now