Chapter Eighteen

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I didn't really want to say this in front of Eun-Yu, but I was also scared that if I didn't say everything I wanted to when I still could, I wouldn't have the chance anymore.

When I first woke up, I was terrified because I had a feeling what had happened. It wasn't the first time I died, but that was when there were still hospitals. Now, being revived was even more difficult. I had full faith in Eun-Hyuk, but I knew that one day, I wasn't going to be so lucky. There were things even he couldn't do.

"You know what? I'm just going to be outside by the door there. I can't take this anymore!" Eun-Yu huffed. "And don't tell him or he'll think I'm doing a bad job looking after you!"

I smiled at her. "I won't say a word and Tokki-ssi promises too." I moved his plush arms to cover his stitched on mouth.

She rolled her eyes and walked away.

Hyun-Su bent over a little closer to me as I looked at him.

"You have really pretty eyes," I whispered.

"Can I... kiss you again?"

"Again?" When has he kissed me the first time?

He blushed. "I mean... not again. Not an actual kiss, but... I... he had me help with CPR and I..."

Oh, that made sense.

I nodded. "But it'd be weird in this position. Can you help me sit up?"

"Should you...? I can just lie down beside you." He gently moved his legs from beneath my head, replacing it with the shirt I had been using as a pillow and laid down beside me, so we were face to face.

It felt more intimate like this.

He scooted a little closer until our bodies were almost touching. With a hand on my cheek. He leaned in.

My heart raced. Was this really a good idea? Would my poor heart give out from this? I didn't want to waste oppa's efforts.

But when his lips pressed against mine, those thoughts disappeared. All I could think about was how soft they were, knowing full well mine were chapped. It wasn't fair how he had perfect skin and lips. Even with the best skincare products, I doubt I'd be able to achieve that.

I loosely wrapped my arms around him.

The kiss was innocent.

Compared to Eun-Hyuk who seemed to crave control, Hyun-Su was gentle and every movement was like a request for permission.

"Is this okay?" he whispered against my skin.

"Yeah... it's okay." I pulled him back for another kiss.

I wondered what Eun-Hyuk would do if he saw us like this. Would he walk away or would he join?

The thought of both of them with me made me blush and I had to break away to cover my face in shame.

"What's wrong? Did I... did you not like it?" The concern in his voice made me realise that I must've made him misunderstand. He began to move away, but I quickly grabbed him back.

"N-no! I really like kissing you. It's me. I just... I just thought of something I shouldn't have." My cheeks were hot. I was too embarrassed to show my face, but suddenly, I heard soft thumping towards me and a body laid behind mine.

Shadows Within (Lee Eun-Hyuk x OC x Cha Hyun-Su)Where stories live. Discover now