Chapter 3- The Mighty Mutanimals

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Determined to officially take a sibling-free day, Mikey eagerly took April's advice to do whatever he wanted. Which included visiting the mysterious and enthralling Hidden City. He had yet to truly explore every inch of the underground city, and now was finally his chance. He couldn't even stay mad at his siblings anymore, he was too excited.

April beamed, backpack slung over her shoulder, ready for a long day of school. "Text me anything cool that happens."

"Can do!" He saluted, before giving her a quick hug.

After saying goodbye to April, and wishing her luck, he managed to find one of the secret locations leading to the city. A very average looking telephone box tucked away in a back alley behind a bodega. An odd spectacle indeed, considering such objects were only really found in England, but it was better than taking a literal dumpster dive through a portal. Leo had told him about that one time, and it did not sound pleasant.

Mikey snuck inside the red box, stared at the old timey telephone and frowned. "Hmm..." No one had actually told him how the device worked, just that it was another mode of transportation. Did he type in a code? Say a magic phrase?

But he didn't need to do any of those things because the old fashioned phone started to ring harshly. "Y'ello?" He asked, automatically picking it up.

A monotone lady's voice spoke back, sounding vaguely like Siri. "Thank you for using the Hidden City Phone Service. Where would you like to go?"

"Ummm...the Hidden City please?"

"Your request has been confirmed."

Nothing happened except a few beeps. Mikey was about to step outside the claustrophobic box, placing the phone down, and opening the door- when the floor below him started to vibrate. "What the what?" He grabbed on to the phone again, watching helplessly as the floor was fading, disappearing from sight right underneath him. He held on until the phone collapsed, hanging only by the cord, and refusing to look down at the bottomless pit. "No, no, no, I wanna get off the ride! I changed my mind! I'll use the dumpster! Help!"

He couldn't hold on any longer, and the floor was gone now. He squeezed his eyes shut, and let go, falling and falling into the black abyss. He didn't even have time to scream.

Luckily the fall wasn't very long, and the weightless drop in his stomach wasn't too painful. He groaned the second he hit the ground and rubbed his head.

" time I think I'll take the bus." He mumbled.

The breathtaking, topsy-turvy cladiscope of pure pandemonium that swirled around him in rich violets, reds and blues hues could only belong to the Hidden City. Everything about it was a wonderland of nonsense. Floating houses, zero gravity, creatures of all shapes and sizes that chatted amongst themselves as they enjoyed the typical day. It was incredible. Now Mikey had visited the Hidden City dozens of times before with his family, but he would never grow tired of it. It was just so beautiful.

He started to stroll around aimlessly. Was this what vacationing felt like? Enjoying the view and having no worries or older siblings nagging at you? He should have done this ages ago.

But the best part about wandering around the Hidden City? No one stared or gawked at him. No one dared to call him a monster and screamed that he was a freak. Because here? Everyone looked weird, in the best way. There were slimy goo creatures pushing strollers with smaller slime creatures- their offspring. There were mischievous tanuki chatting amongst themselves, and octopus merchants selling various goods.

That was when he saw the most important vendor ever.

A bored looking tengu with red feathers, folded wings, and a black beak selling special yōkai made paints. These were not just regular, boring paints. These were of colors that weren't visible to the human eye, they glowed in the dark and just looked fabulous! He couldn't help but take a peak at the display.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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