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"Guys, wake up!" Lisa shook the boys, who were sound asleep on the floor. "Jeongguk, Taehyung! wake the fuck up. You are going to be late for college." Lisa gritted her teeth as she spoke as the boys wouldn't budge a bit. 

"mmh, stop it, Lisa. I'm tired. lemme sleep" Jeongguk mumbled in his sleep and turned around, returning to sleep. Lisa pinched her nose in agitation and looked around to room to think of a solution. She pushed her bangs up and sighed.

" These dorks do they neither care about the baby nor their college or life." She mumbled as she filled a tub full of water. 

She immediately carried the tub to the boys and poured the water all over their bodies which made them flinch out of sleep.

" What the fuck!" Taehyung exclaimed as soon as he finched out of his sleep. He tried to open his eyes to look at the blurry figure before him. He rubbed his sleep away only to find Lisa standing there in front of him. 

Jeongguk was still in his lalaland even after he woke up. Their hair was sticking in all directions. "Lisa!" Taehyung hissed. 

"What!" She snapped which made taehyung flinch.

 "I've been trying to wake you guys up for more than half an hour but you guys wouldn't budge. You guys couldn't even hear Sae cry. How can you guys be dead asleep when you have a baby in the house and don't you have your college to attend. huh!" Lisa screamed at them with frustration she had, looking at them for being so careless. 

"Baby? Do you mean Sae? But she is sleeping. You might disturb her so, lower your tone." Taehyung said calmly, rubbing his eyes lazily. Lisa, who had her on her hips, raised her eyebrows and slightly gritted her teeth. 

"Sae had been crying for almost an hour. I waited in my apartment for almost half an hour but you guys don't seem to wake up anytime soon. I had no choice but to barge into your apartment. How much more irresponsible can you guys actually be." Lisa seethed as she walked past the boys into Sae's room. 

Taehyung didn't seem to have processed her anger yet. His eyes yet started becoming droopy, ready to doze off again. But to his dismay, Lisa's scream woke him up with a jolt scraming all his sleep away. 




"Mr. Jeon"


Jeongguk jolted up from his seat as soon as he heard a loud scream from his history teacher. He immediately stood up, trying to pay attention to at least pretend to know why exactly was his teacher screaming. 

"Have you realized how long you have been sleeping? Does my lesson sound like a lullaby to you in any way?" The teacher before him snarled, glaring daggers at him. 

"I'm sorry, sir. My bad" The younger tried to apologize politely but it looked like the teacher wasn't in any mood for excuses. He was entitled to vent out all the anger he was piling up on Jeongguk for the past few weeks. 

"Sorry? A sorry is going to bring you back the lessons you've missed? Have you actually looked at the marks you scored on the test you took last week? You couldn't even cross the borderline! Why are you coming to college for?" The teacher screamed in the presence of everyone, making him a subject to humiliation. 

He could see a few students stifling their laughs, looking at him as they enjoyed the scene unfolding.  

He never had a tendency to cry. He never cried or even shed a tear because of his pride. He may have wept for the first time in a long time. He lowered his head and silently allowed his teacher to yell. He was aware that it was a very small reason to cry, but he was powerless to stop himself at the time. He was simply so overwhelmed by his feelings that he was compelled to express them. 

Only if everyone who laughed understood how much anguish he had endured over the previous two weeks. It wasn't as simple as he had anticipated. He slept hardly at all. Even though Taehyung and Lisa were doing their best to be there for him, Sae was taking up all of his time. He was unable to simply leave everything up to them. No matter how much he might want it could be undone right now, he is accountable for whatever has happened and cannot go back in time.


Jeongguk just dragged his feet as he walked down the hallway. His backpack was loosely hanging over his shoulder. He was just walking aimlessly with dark circles around his eyes, looking pale as ever.  

Not until Taehyung just collided with him with some loud energy. "Ouch, tae! What the fuck was that?" Jeongguk exclaimed, annoyed as he tried to walk past the elder, leaving him dumbfounded by his behaviour. 

"Yo! Gguk, You okay? You appear drab. Have you developed a fever? Taehyung inquired, genuinely concerned, forgetting his initial purpose for being here. 

Jeongguk visibly stiffened in his place but choose to shrug it off. It didn't go unnoticed by the elder but he chose to ignore it for once. He believed, if there was something, he would be the first person Jeongguk would share anything with. So he brushed the thought off. 

" Nothing, I am just a little sleepy. More than that, I'm hungry." Jeongguk mentioned two of many reasons that were indeed true. Taehyung just nodded understanding. A smile immediately curved upon his face with the thought that flashed in his mind. 

"How about we go clubbing after dinner at a good restaurant! Sounds like a plan doesn't it?" The elder speed walked, trying to catch up with the younger's pace. Taehyung's eyes shone with happiness when he asked that. He clasped his hands in anticipation as he grinned wide looking at the younger, who just looked indifferent. But to his dismay, What he said only infuriated Jeongguk. 

"Are you fucking crazy? Clubbing?" Jeongguk gritted his teeth as he looked around to make sure no one was around. He grabbed Taehyung's arm a little more harshly than intended making the elder subtly whine in pain. He looked at the elder with fury in his eyes. 

"We have a fucking kid in the house and you wanna go clubbing? Didn't we already talk about this, taehyung? Are you always this dumb?" Jeongguk sputtered in rage. He honestly didn't know what took over him. Only if he could realize how much he was hurting the elder with his grip. He was tightening it with every passing minute. 

"G-guk, st-Stop! YOu a-are hurt- hurting me!" Taehyung whimpered as he tried to pull away from the grip but he failed miserably. He knew how strong Jeongguk was physically. He shut his eyes close in distress as he tried to pull himself away from the younger. 

"G-guk! JEONGGUK!" He subconsciously cried snapping the younger out of his trance. Jeongguk realized what he was doing and immediately let go of the grip he held onto. Taehyung immediately grabbed his arm, trying to rub away his pain. The younger looked bewildered by his own actions. 

"Gguk. What's wrong with you? That's the only thing taehyung could ask while he tried to subside the pain. His tone was just normal and subtle. more like concerned with the younger's actions. 

"I - I - I di-didn't mean t-" Before he completed his own sentence, Jeongguk chose to run away and Taehyung stared at him until he saw the younger's back disappear from the hallway. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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