Chapter 2

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As the clock strikes exact six,I hear a loud horn-loud enough to tear your ear drums-from my drive way and immediately knew that it is none other than Sam.

Bet on her to arrive perfectly on time,not a second earlier or later..

Yeah.. Second.

Like tick tick, a second over-that type of second.

Maybe she was sitting there and waiting for her mobile to strike exact six.

I roll my eyes even though she can't see it because.. Helloooo.. It's sam we are talking about here.

I turn off the lights-I'll probably staying at hers tonight-grab my purse and mobile and head for the door.

I haven't even grabbed my jacket when the sound of the door bell pounds inside my ears..

Hurriedly, I grab my heels in my hands and run for the door.

There she is.

As beautiful as ever.

She's wearing the same dress as I am except it's pink and I'm wearing a green one.

We match exactly except in colour. Not even my sister-in case I had one - would match the exact same way as we do.

"If you are done looking at me, I will be pleased to inform you that we have a party to attend.", she says by the way of greeting.

I roll my eyes and follow her out into her car.

"I'm glad you are okay.", Sam says after a few minutes.

"Me too."

"Are you?Really?", she asks.

"I don't know. You tell me."

"I am not sure."

"Me too."

Sensing that I have no interest in continuing the convo.. she focuses on driving.

"I really miss the old you.", she says.

"Sam. I do. I really really do.",I say heaving a heavy sigh,"but I really need sometime,okay?"

"I understand....", she says trying to speak,but looking at the way her throat works,the words seems to...not come up.

She sighs. "Just know that I am here for you okay? I will always be."

"I know babe."

The rest of the drive is silent. After a few minutes,we pull up in front of a very cozy looking club.


Though life is more than miserable, money has never been a problem for me.

I mean I am not rich or something.. but I am not poor either.

I make enough money to pay my ass the same time, I don't have any loans taken inorder to survive a very sophisticated life.

Sam and I.. We both work at the same building-big enough to be called a skyscraper-but at different floors.

I work as an econometrician and Sam-well she owns a boutique - Sana Boutique.

I wince inwardly pronouncing that weird name...Of course first two letters of her name and last two letters of mine.But still I have pleaded with her forever to change it to Sam or Samantha.

She never really gives a shit about what I say that clearly involves excluding me.

As we both check in... One thing is very clear.

We are upto a lot of fun today and for being a fresh murderer, I am more than ready for it.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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Her Beautiful TragedyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ