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*Third pov*

It was early morning and we view a forest near the city of New York in this forest is a squad of Marines who are doing military excessive wearing full gear in the mountain. 

Aaron:*sigh* I'm going to say something.

Mark: Well, go right ahead, no one stopping you. *stepping over a log*

Aaron: Cap. Anderson!

Jacob: What is it private?

Aaron: Permission to speak, sir.

Jacob: Permission granted.

Aaron: Sir, we have other divisions and we're one of that Divisions know the fifth.

Jacob: Yes.

Aaron: We are the only ones out of the whole Divisions we are the only ones who are hiking this same mounting from the bottom to the top and back down again every week in full gear early in the morning. Especially with you as are capt. who is supposed to be back at camp.

Jacob: Why do you think private Lamborn?

 Aaron: Maj. Sobel hates us, sir.

There was a long pause before a reply.

Jacob: Maj. Sobel doesn't hate this squad.*smirks* He just hates you.

The square start to laugh.

Aaron: Thank you, sir.

Aaron looks at mark who is smirking at him.

Josh: *looks at the medic* He hates you too Naiz boy.

Jack: Would you stop that!

Josh: What I'm just messing with you.

Jack: You know why I hate that.

Josh: Oh, lighten up. You who was close to being a nazi?

Mark: Who?

Josh: Sgt. Maj. john sixta.

Peter: Oh, hey I forgot about him.

Brad: Yeah, he was a pain.

Aaron: Who was John Sixta.

Brad: He was our Sgt. during the invasion of Iraq. 

Josh: But man he was a freaken nazi. Always by the book and don't get me to start on the "Grooming Standards".

Peter: Yeah, was a nazi.

Josh: Well, at least our Sgt. is not a nazi. Right, Frist Sgt.!

Steward: Shut up Asshole.

Josh: Maybe you related to him, Jack.

Jack: What did I tell you about that.

Jacob: Corporal Person, leave Private Rommel alone.

Josh: Yes, sir.

Mark/Aaron: Rommel?

Josh: Yeah, Jack here is not only part german but his great-grande father was a-

Jacob: Corp.! I won't say this again!

Josh: Yes, Sir!

Jacob: let's continue to move.

As the squad moves forward the two privates still wondering who was Jack's great-grandfather is. As they move deeper into the woods they made it to the mountain.

Marines in Man in the High CastleWhere stories live. Discover now