Part 2

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Once they had all finished eating, when their bellies grew with contentment, they (struggled, they were so tired after full-speed eating. don't even mention the oyster hunt.) shouted out, "Thank you!" in the air. "We love it so much!" The poor seagulls were starving without Piper and Shelly, after taking a bite of oyster soup, they refused to eat raw oysters except there was no cook.



After Shelly had failed to steal Piper's food, they hungrily inhaled their portions of OYSTER SOUP and called for a nap. They were so tired after cooking and/or fetching so many oysters. Piper just touched Shelly's wings and slumped into bed when the seagulls cried out: "Humans!" "They've come to take us! "WHAT?" Piper and Shelly screeched and alarm sirens blared in their head. Shelly and Piper tried to escape with all their might, but it was too late.  Neither of them could escape quickly enough, or get out of the oven house quick enough, the humans were too close...  

Whoosh! The net snapped them up and the humans forced them both into a dreary cage. It stank of fear and depression. Piper and Shelly were feeling like suicide already but they had nothing to do that with. The seagulls Despite the seagulls' droppings, the humans put up their head coverings, also called "hoods"! The rest of the flock sped off before the dreaded humans could attack them next, they had sadly failed..

Piper and Shelly's birdcage was dreary. They sang in mourning of the free, blue sky. They didn't know what to do with the oyster-flavored pellets. Do they throw them at humans? They tried this once but only got less to throw at them. But they didn't eat the oyster-flavored pellets. The taste was human, not oyster! In addition, they have recently tasted humans because Shelly and Piper bit the humans who birdnapped them, in a struggle to get free. They were too tired and collapsed... Suddenly, tons of stinky humans were looking at them.

A sea-smelling human appeared days later. As they picked up Shelly's cage, Piper cried: "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" MY FRIEND IS GONE NOW, FOLLOWING THE HUMAN!" The human must've heard a horrible chirp or a beautiful one. Piper chirped with delight when the human decided not to buy Shelly. The human glanced at PIPER instead! A trembling Piper was picked up. The human inspected her and pointed at her with a hairy finger. Piper guessed that meant he picked me for STROKING ME WITH HIS HAIRY HAND! Piper thrashed and threw out their escape plan.

Piper didn't mean to throw it out this quick in early (and so nosily!), but she quickly picked her beak through the bars and into the slidey thing, pushing on the door, like the birdnapper did, and went free! Not only that, but she had to leave Shelly. This birdnapper was holding a stick with a circle on top, very holey, not holy because it was a piece of equipment that traps and drowns birds (or almost). Piper took off into the smoky air. She now knew why all the birds of the human world poop on human things. Their friends are gone.

However, she had no time for emotions.

Her friend needed to be saved.

(or did she? I could lure her back with food, thought a very evil Piper.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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