Mirror Kingdom "Chapter 24"

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-Why isn't she up already?

-Calm down, father, she is fine.

-She doesn't look fine,- Demos was walking in a fast pace from one side of the room to another.

Nathan was next to him almost all the time, ever since Devina was brought in, after the accident.

-So... Rose... who would've known, right?

-We still need to ask her some questions.

-Maybe. If Devina was with her, she is our best chance of getting to understand what exactly happened.

-Yes, i know, but first, she has to wake up.

At this hour the coridor was empty. Ruby and Cassey were both sleeping in the rooms next to Devinas, and a doctor was in with her right now.

-Dad, she will be fine,- it had been long since Demos has heard Nathan calling him that. Nathan didn't know what was up with them, he just saw that his father cared about that girl.

Ruby came out of her room.

-Good morning, sunshines!- she greeted with a smile on her lips. Seing both guys in a state like this she laughed.- come on, she's not dead...

-Not yet,- Demos stated.

-Don't be so grumpy, she is ok, you heard the doctor saying that yesterday, or should i say this morning, so...

-I know.

-You know what it means?


-Leave the coridor, it is breakfast time,- Ruby ordered,- both of you. And Nat, Cassey will be downstairs, i can assure you of that.

Both men didn't want to leave, but Ruby didn't give them any choice. When they were out of sight, Ruby knocked on the door, and heard the doctor answer.

-May i?

-Yes, come in, Devina is up and ready to see you.

Ruby smiled seeing that Devina is up, her body covered with a blanket.

-Hey,- she smiled back and the doctor stood up.

-I think you will be the one helping her change the gauze pads, she won't do it by herself.

-Yeah, i can do that, just show me how, and i'll do it.

The doctor moved Devinas blanket and unrolled her night gown. The gauze was already soaking with blood.

-It seems that it's healing ok,- Ruby choked.

-This does not look alright...

When the doctor took the pad away, she saw that the wound has been sewed and wasn't bleeding at all.

-So now, step by step, clean the wound with this.

-What is it?- Ruby asked and Devina groaned when the cold wipe touched her skin.

-It doesn't matter, now take gauze and put it on the wound, then stick it down with this,- he handed her some kind of a ducktape.

-You are not to leave the bed for atleast three days, then, if you will be better, and i bet you will be even after two days, then, and only when i say so, you wil be able to leave your room to have small walks around the garden. You should not argue with anyone... drink loads of water and tea, stay away from juices of any kind.

Devina nodded, but she knew it will be hard not to be able to resist a juice and a nice argument, probably with Demos.

-She will behave,- Ruby smiled, walking the doctor to the door. When they were out of the room, Devina got out of the bed, groaning in pain, she walked to the table and poured herself a glass of freshly made orange juice.

The liquid was so soft and nice, and made her taste buds come alive, she didn't even hear Ruby waling back into the room.

-I think i heard the doctor say no moving and no juice,- Devina jumped,- i didn't mean to startle you.

-I know.

-Get back to bed now, before i call a guard to watch you, i bet Demos would be quite satisfied.

-Oh, c'mon, don't do that,- Devina moved back, groaning, until she got in the bed and even after that she still groaned, because of the pain.

-She must have stabbed you pretty bad.

-What do you think?

-Tell me, what happened? I never thought Rose could do something like that.

-Oh well, you won't believe me if i told you all the truth.

-Is it that bad?

-It's far worse than you think.

-Oh, my.

Ruby sat on the edge of the bed.

-So, tell me.

-She is just like you.

-What do you mean?

-When Alina came here through the mirror, Rose came with her.

-Like me and you?

-Yep. She killed Alina for revenge, because she was in love with Marc, you know the father of Demos.

-What? That's an absolute rubish...

-I wish it was. Apparently Marc loved Alina very much, too much, so he didn't even look at Rose. This is all so twisted, Ruby.

-I feel you,- she nodded.

-But, there is something else i find out...- Devina said, breathing in heavily.- you won't be getting older.

-Uhm, what?

-That's why Rose is so young, she doesn't get older, but she's like more than a hundred years old.

-Dang,- Ruby laughed and Devina laughed together with her, before groaning again.- ok, you calm down, i will get some maids to deliver some food to you, and i'll see you later. Try to get some rest, before the man himself is here.

-Thank you,- Devina smiled and closed her eyes to rest for a moment.

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