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Jungkook pov

Listen to you. My, how things have changed.

Well, they had changed, damn it. He wasn't going to apologize for changing for the better. Not that he would ever admit to being an utter ass.

But...he had been an utter ass.

He pushed through the doors into the royal chambers. Jimin was on the couch, watching television.

The flatscreen showed a cartoon.

One of those educational ones, judging from the classical music and simple math being done by cartoon ducks and rabbits. Even a platypus.

Jimin glanced at him when he burst in. There was no denying the joy on his face when he saw jungkook.

You couldn't fake that. Jimin's scent was happy, not worried, not devious or hiding anything.

The priestess had fed jungkook so much bullshit. He hated himself for even fearing it might be true for an instant.

For letting a vicious rumor get under his skin as it had.He stopped and took a steadying breath.

He didn't want to alarm Jimin. Not with their child on the way. He would tell his mate about this whole rotten thing...later.

After their baby was born. Jungkook deliberately looked at the television and raised an eyebrow at the screen.

"Teaching our child how to do math already?"

"Never too early. Besides, they say classical music helps develop the brain. And the characters are adorable."

Jungkook forced a chuckle. He felt the adrenaline slowly draining from his veins. Thank the Goddess he hadn't overreacted and done something rash.

He suddenly wanted nothing more than to spend time with his mate.

They could watch this show together, go for a walk, go for a swim, whatever Jimin wanted.

Jungkook only wanted to be with him.

His words died in his throat when he saw a cell phone.

The phone sat on the end table next to the couch. Jungkook's heart felt as if it froze solid in his chest.

He didn't recognize that phone.

It wasn't a fancy smartphone.

It wasn't one of the high tech encrypted phones Jungkook's security people insisted he use when he was out of the palace.

What had Shia claimed? Jimin had a disposable cell phone?

That sure as hell looked like one.

It felt as if he were walking on stilts as he crossed the room and picked up the phone. He touched the screen.

The phone immediately opened up completely. No password, facial recognition, or even a touch pattern.

The messaging app was easy to find.

He felt cold all the way through.

His head throbbed with every beat of his heart.

His hand was even shaking, but he couldn't have said what emotion was making his hand unsteady.

Fear? Anger? He couldn't say.

Had Jimin betrayed him after all?

Was he really planning on taking their child and leaving the kingdom?

Stealing his heir like Shia claimed?

No. This cell phone proved nothing.

There was an explanation for it.

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