chapter 1: the gadget

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Hours later, Kyan woke up. She didn't really like sleeping after all. She grabbed her mask and slipped it on her face then sprinted go the engineering room where she saw Rey "hey rey." She said yawning, Rey turned around in a fast motion and waved with a huge smile "Hey Kyan! Hope you slept well..?" Kyan nodded, still regaining her energy. "yep, anyw-" Rey cut her off. "I already finished screwing the nails in for you so if there's anything else, here ya go!" Rey walked up to Kyan and gave her the gadget, Kyan smiled under her mask. "Thanks Rey, that's all I needed. Race you to Octavios room?" Rey smiled "I promise I'll beat you this time." Kyan started running as Rey caught up to her, Kyan slowed down for Rey to pass her as Rey and Kyan met at the door to where Octavio was. Rey smiled and laughed "Finally beat you!" Kyan looked "Yea, good job."

Kyan looked down at her hands with the invention for Octavio, The leader of the octarian army. She DESPISED him and his orders but she had to do it, Rey put her hand on Kyans shoulder and gave Kyan a Warm, Sympathetic smile as Kyan blushed lightly as she opened the door and headed in.

"Octavio, sir. I have the gadget you..requested." Kyan rolled her eyes at the formal talk she had to do. Octavio looked at her, Rey then the invention. He rolled his eyes at them both and snatched the invention with his tentacles "Your dismissed." He said as Kyan grabbed Rey's wrist and stormed out "Did you see how he didn't even CARE about 1 thing about that invention I spent a whe nights work on?! I could have been.. sleeping! Or-or- getting closer to finding my brother!" Rey looked at Kyan, obviously understanding her "I understand Kyan, but we HAVE to keep going so we can save your brother- and you know Octavios.. Weird plan for the inklings.." Kyan tried to cool herself off, "yea. your right. just- whatever. im gonna go to my quarters. ill talk to you..later ok?" Rey gave a sad smile "Sure Kyan. Cool yourself off ok? And uh- take your time." Kyan smiled lightly, "I will, Thanks Rey."

(Word count: 385 words)

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