chapter 2: the plan

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When Kyan got to her chamber, she went straight to nasty again. She took off her mask and slammed it on her dresser. "that stupid ass "oCtaRiaan lEaaDeerr" is never happy with anything! qe could do the whole mission FOR HIM, succeed and he'd STILL be mad at people for no reason!" Kyan yelled, a deep breath shortly after leaving her lips. "calm down Kyan. you should be use to this by now? octavios been doing this ever since.. you got sanitized." She looked at her mirror and held her hair in her hand, looking at the still green tips. Remembering that she could go rouge anytime the goo started acting up. She shook the thought off and ploped on her bed. She wasn't going to sleep just.. relax. She needed a miniute to cool off like Rey said.

After Kyan got about an hour of relaxing, someone came over the intercom, "All octoling engineers please report to Octavios.. Throne room. Sure we will go with that." The voice cut off. Kyan roller her eyes and put her mask on, heading out to meet Rey where ever she was. Rey saw Kyan and ran up to her with her arms open. Kyan didn't realize but when she finally did it was to late. Rey ran up to Kyan, tackled her to the floor and gave her a huge hug. That's just how Rey is. Kyan on the other hand isn't. Kyan pushed Rey off of her.. but hugged her back gently after. "Come on we have to go to his "Throne room"" Rey said, trying to lighten up Kyans day. Kyan laughed under her mask and Rey smiled. "okay okay now seriously, let's go." Kyan tried to be more serious as her and Rey walked to Octavios Throne room.

Once the 2 octolings arrived, Octavio had the same expression on his face "Tck." Kyan rolled her eyes but then directed her eyes back to her "leader" when he started to speak "I have gathered all of you here to report that our big plan is coming close to a start. I need you all to finish every invention I asked for by tommorow night. Specifically you Kyan. Your inventions barely ever work so I need you to work extra hard." Kyan was about to lash out on him but as soon as Kyan was about to open her mouth and walk up to him, Rey grabbed her hand and gave it a slight squeeze. That calmed Kyan down a little. She new she couldn't lash out on anyone or the goo would act up again. Every time she gets mad, the goo has a higher chance of taking over than before.  "Now everyone get out of my sight."  Kyan rolled her eyes "With pleasure." She walked backwards out the door, saying that to Octavios face, leaving him in shock.

Once Rey and Kyan got out of there, Rey playfully punched Kyans shoulder. "Kyan don't say that! Your gonna get in trouble." Rey laughed sarcastically, Kyan started laughing aswell but stopped to speak "hey? thanks for the uh, reminder? if that's what you'd call it- in there. it helped alot." Kyan muttered as Rey smiled at her "Mhm!" Now come on we have to "Work Extra Hard!" Rey laughed again "Nope that's just me." Kyan said and laughed awkwardly "Well we are a team! So that DOES mean both of us." Rey smiled again. Kyan was blushing under her mask. She didnt say anything but instead just nodded at Rey as they both started to walk off to they're private engineer room they both have.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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