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Chapter 2

Hibahs POV

Have you ever felt like you had been completely ripped apart,your body two separate pieces?My heart ached and my gut twisted into a tight knot as i anxiously waited in the waiting room of the heavily crowded hospital.

A small girl was whining and snot was running down her nose like a miniature green waterfall.Her mother glanced at her and lay her on her lap.She wiped her nose and cradled her daughter in her arms soothingly.She looked up at me and managed a small smile, i returned one back and tore my fgaze away from hers to a nearby nurse.

A fat lady pushed me a little and i gave her a glare.she was just one of those racist white ladies who hates Muslims.The atmosphere in the hospital thickened,i felt as if i would choke if i sat here any longer.

How long had i been waiting? two hours, three hours maybe four?I recounted the moments before i rushed to dial emergency services.

I had just got out of bed to pray when i heard a shattering sound almost like glass breaking.My insides completely flipped and i screamed.

I twisted my wedding ring around my finger until a small red line appeared.I bit my lip nervously as i tried to control my anger and anxiety.I had always had bad anger issues just like my father did.

The thought of my father made my heart beat quicken but as quickly as it jumped the quicker it returned to normal.

Zaid was taken by an ambulance.They didn't say much to me just asked me how i was related to him, his age, that sort of stuff.

His parents were in Brighton on a Family holiday and my mother was at home.

I got up and squeezed my way past crying children and apprehensive mothers.I walked toward the reception desk of A and E and slammed my fists on the counter.

"How long do I have to wait before i can go and see my Husband!" i yelled at the lady with the short bob and large hoop earings.She looked at me clearly dumbfounded.

"Excuse me Madam but can you please take a seat , you will be able to see Mr Zaid Ali shortly".She said with attitude. She continued to type on ner computer and it annoyed me even more.

"Don't you Madam me , You said the exact same thing to me before!" I said pulsing angrily.I clenched my hands into fists until my knuckles turned white.i gritted my teeth together to stop myself from crying.

The receptionist looked up from her computer and stared into my eyes.She was wearing a lot of makeup and fake lashes, she had a slim figure like mine and incredibly long legs, she was twice the size of me.

She got up from her desk and folded her arms together.

"Sorry Miss if you don;t have the patience to wait then i suggest you go home and we will update you on Mr Zaid's health,whats your phone number?"She made a face at me then turned around to get a pen and paper.

My eyes penetrated the back of her skull and i had to control every cell in my body to stop me from grabbing her throat and strangling her.

Then I did the unspeakable.I walked behind the desk and to where she was standing and slapped her right across her dark skin colored cheek , but before she could react a pair of hands grabbed me by my arms to stop me from tackling her to the ground.I let out a scream and I was faced by a security guard.

His large muscular chest frightened me as he grabbed a hold of my hands.

my pulse raced and sweat formed at the top of my forehead.

"Excuse me Missus but er im gonna hafta tawlk to yah as you tried to attack and hurt a collegue without no reason whatsoevar"He had a thick accent from i place i couldn't recall.

A smile was plastered to his face, and his bald head was shining in the bright light.

I gulped and followed him as he led me through a corridor away from all the noise and crowdiness.We walked up a flight of stairs and into a dimly lit room with a bed and table.

The security guard turned around to face me and he had a huge smirk on his face.

"Im sorry I think I kinda lost control"I blabbed at him.I had just gotten myself into something deep.

The guard cocked his head to one side and analysed my face weirdly.His eyes darted around my body and a fog of uncomfortable air drifted above me.I tugged at my hijab to make sure it was still bound tightly around my head.

Then his finger touched my lip and i had not time to jerk away.The clasp around my hands tightened and he pushed me into the dimly lit room,locking the door behind him.

"If yah make a sound beautifal i will make sure yah never remebar your name".My eyes widened and he snickered loudly. I ran further away from him into the corner of the room.

He folded his arms as he analysed me.

Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.

I watched stupidly as he began to unbuckle his belt and remove his jacket.

My heart flopped in my chest and a huge knot bulged in my gut.

"Please"i begged.

I knew what he wanted. I knew i had no escape. I knew I was doomed. Just not yet.

Oh Allah, Please don't let this be happening.I'm scared Allah please make him go.

"No whining babe , just close yah eyes and enjoy the pleasure , i do it good"He started to walk toward me. He was now half naked except for a pair of boxers covering his dinkle.

My eyes burned with shame and i shut them tight as i ran to the other corner of the room.

I was to frightened to protest, afterall what was it going to do?

"You can run darling but yah can't hide"He jumped at me , his face just centimetres from mine.I pulled the bottom of my hijab to cover my lips and face, spearing only my naked eyes, which exploded with fury.

The tears started rolling dampening my hijab making it hard t breath through.

"Babe dont yah cry, i'm gona make yah feel good, you wana feel good?lets start of by taking that cloth of yah head so i can see yah beautifal hayer"he whispered into my ear nibling on my hijab at least it wasn't nearly my ear.

My heart ached as he started pulling my pins out.The tears lept out furuiosly and i gulped everytime he touched my cheek carressing it softly.his body was firm against mine and his alcoholic breath made me gag.

Zaid's beautiful face filled my mind as I thought of him watching me.anger built a wall inside me and i so wrecklessly wanted to bash the security guards face.

Then Allah himself had heard me a womans voice bellowed from outside the room.

"Martino open up this door right away before I call the cops on you this is the third time i've caught you"


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love ya'all

Atika x

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