"miss y/n"

18 1 0

Y/n walks in the station, her new job.
"Here goes nothing".   she whispers to her.

"Hello darling, looking for something?" a voice said behind her.

She looks behind her quickly. She saw a rk9oo model.
"Yeah I'm looking for captain Fowler, do you know where's his office is"

He nods and says "to your left and you'll find a blue looking room go in there,
Your welcome miss Y/n"
he said.

"Thank you so much I got so lost my first time being here I'm sorry"
she said while laughing quietly,  She left to go to Fowlers office.

To Gavin's pov:

He spotted y/n about to go to fowlers office.
"She's beautiful.."
he whispers to him self.

Rk9oo model was behind him.
"She's mine ugly stuff you better watch out for now on.."
He said. 

"Shut the fuck up tin can she's probably isn't interested androids like you tin can.."
He said to the rk900 model.

"You'll pay for this, fucking reed."
He said furiously. And walking away

Gavin smirks proudly.

Y/ns pov :

"Hello Fowler! I'm a detective y/n hired me week ago I landed here yesterday so I have my files how many deviants I caught this month!"

She smiles.

"18 deviants.. your in! You'll be helping Nines the rk900 model. He's behind Detective reed desk you'll see a room go in there. Good bye.

Captain Fowler said to y/n

She walks out of fowlers office, and walks to rk900s office.

And Gavin stops her and says "hey what's your name beautiful?" He grins while asking.
God he was bad at flirting . "Y/n is my name." She said nervously.
"Such a beautiful name y/n, do you wanna be friends if you don't mind."
He asked trying to make eye contact, but y/n avoided making eye contact with Gavin because she had a problem making eye contact with people.
"Yeah sure I don't mind." She smiles at the man.
"Oh My name is Gavin by the way." He said.
"Okay bye Gavin."She chuckles quietly.
Then she left Gavin desk.

And y/n went in nines room quietly.

"Hey, we met like a few minutes ago, we're working together as partners"
Y/N said to rk900 model.

"Can you help me for a second to solve this problem?"
He asked y/n.

"Sure, what do you need up with?"
She tucked a hair piece behind her ear.

"This bug thing I been working on for 7 hours"
He fixed his hair and leaning down on his chair.

"So basically you just reset it and everything should be back to normal"
she resets the computer .

"Thank you so much I didn't even think of that"

"So what's your name? Rk900 model?" She chuckles.

"My name is nines, and Conan, but people mostly call me nines I suggest you call me nines I'm more comfortable with that name."

"Oh alright I'm gonna go meet more people! Bye nines!"
She said.

"Bye y/n"

Y/n goes into the break room, and sees a rk8OO model.
The rk800 finished model finished making coffee and walked fast and bumped into y/n spilling the hot coffee on her jacket, "oh I'm so sorry!" He grabs a tissue from the counter next to the coffee maker. "I'm so sorry, I hope I didn't ruin your jacket!" He starts tapping y/ns jacket with the tissue. "FUCK! THATS SO HOT, HOLY SHI-" she screamed so loud because of the heat on her skin.
Gavin and nines rushed into the break room. "What's going on?!" Nines asked with a worried look on his face. "I-i- Accidentally spilled coffee on her jacket"

Connor said nervously. And having little tears in his eyes because he was scared of Gavin.
"What the fuck is wrong with you Connor?!" Gavin yelled furiously and pushed him away. And nines and Gavin helped y/n. Hank spotted them. "I didn't mean too y/n I'm sorry!" Connor frowned and looked down putting his hand on his other arm. "It's okay, i forgive you Connor." She whispered while the guys were taking her out of the break room. "Connor what happened?" Hank asked while walking into the break room.
"I accidentally spilled coffee on y/n and I might have burned her skin, and Gavin yelled at me and pushed me away from y/n when I was helping her.."
Hank grabs a doughnut from the counter. "Lieutenant what are you doing?"
Hank walks a little bit fast to Gavin's desk. "Don't mess with my fucking son!"
Hank smeared the doughnut frosting all over his face. Gavin sat there In shock.
"Let's go Connor." He grabbed Connor hand and they left the dpd.

"What the fuck" Gavin screamed. Y/n and nines watched across the room.
"Jeez is that guy really protective of the android?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, i mean they are partners and stuff, like father and son" nines was help y/n with her burnt skin. "That should do it, it might heal in a few days don't touch it to much it will make a rash." Nines said while fixing his hair and getting up.
"Okay, but can I take showers?" She laughed. Nines just looked at her confused.
"Um, well yeah of course unless you don't put to much hot water on it"
He smiles looking at his drink and chuckling quietly.
"I'm sorry that was so awkward" y/n covered her face while laughing.
"Its okay y/n everyone embarrassed them self before" he laughs while leaning on the table. "Shut up nines I will beat you up if you don't shut up"
"Well I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you?" He asked with a brow up.
"Fine you have to make my coffee every morning at work and buy me snacks once a week. How about that?" Y/n smirks. "Seriously y/n? I'll maybe even become your own android." Nines said looking at y/n in a disappointing look.
"Well I'm sorry but you said you will make it up to me so don't change your mind on me because I'll never forget." She smiles and drinks her soda.
"Okay, fine but you'll have to help me with all of the deviant cases" nines said said while doing an evil grin. "Deal" they both shaked hands.


This took me a week to get ideas! And also I might discontinue the Connor story and make a new one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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Fighting over you. Nines x Gavin x Connor x y/n Where stories live. Discover now