Not part of the plan

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Y/n's POV:

After we had done some work (Which may I say, Im supposed to be doing music theory work but I'm writing this for yalls), the children playing at the park had gone home. 

"SOOOOO, considering tomorrow is friday, me and hu tao have been planning something with a bunch of the kids in our grade," Venti said.

"Seriously," Xiao stated as he rolled his eyes.

"I think that sounds like a great idea, what were you guys planning?" I asked, full of curiosity.

"Well, Hu tao was able to bribe Childe into giving her some money, because she said she'd invited him, so we booked an escape room," Venti state as he put his computer away.

"Who's coming?" Chongyun asked.

"OH SHOOT! I was supposed to make a group chat with the people who are coming, GIVE ME A SEC!!!" Venti said with sudden distress.

Serial killer on the loose

Im planning ur funeral


damn venti you actually remembered

little bard boi


lover boy

no, he almost forgot

Im planning ur funeral

gloomy as always I see Xiao

Whats with the username?

lover boy

I didn't choose it

What up girlie

He has a crush but no one knows who it is

Popsicle boi

That is the conclusion that venti and childe came too

Book worm

What is this chat

Im planning ur funeral

Ah yes to the point,

Me and venti booked an escape room for friday

after school

ppl in this chat are invited so ya cool

Canadian boi

*Venti and I

I'm under ur bed

Kazuha no need to be formal it's just a group chat :)

Canadian boi

Oh, ok

Anger issues

There he goes again with punctation

Book worm

Is there a time and place?

Im planning ur funeral

Ah yes

Friday, 4:00 - 5;00pm

xxx escape room 

I'm under ur bed


thanks Hu tao

Popsicle boi

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