why would I

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While I walked through the sludge of slime my dog trailing closely behind I noticed the glade was oddly quiet. It was a while since I last checked but I was bored. I climbed the vines on the wall reaching the top and took a wiff of the fresh breeze. I looked closely over the edge to see all of the boys huddled around the box looking into it and whispering.

I took a longer glace seeing a passed out girl and boxes surrounding her. I shrugged then glaced at the crowd. I was about to leave until I recognized a boy. He was new and was tall and scrawny with brown hair. "Thomas?". The name was my best friend's that I lost when I was taken in by page. They looked the same minus the dimple when he smiled which I shrugged off since he wasn't smiling.

I lept off the wall rolling on my back when I reached the ground. I patted my dog's head who sat patiently in the vines. I stretched out my body extending arms then pulling them back to my sides. I began walking to the glade sliding and ducking in vines and under walls. I finally made it and blended into the crowd making my way to the kitchen. I ducked by the pans and took some bred and a covered leftover bowl of soup. I then grabbed water and stuffed it into my bag before walking back to the maze.

When I was about to go in I was stopped by a boy called chuck. He was small and young but manageable. He looked at me with confused eyes then said "you are very pretty". I smiled and bent down kissing the younger boy's forehead. I patted his head and walked into the maze with 0 suspicion. When I made it back to my hidden bunk I tossed my dog the bread and ate the soup. I cupped my hands and gave her some water drinking the rest.

The day went by fast witch made documenting easier. Everyday i document what happens in my day like a diary, sometimes I spill emotions or secrets or even passcodes. I hide my journal in the box under my bed labeled 'girl things'. I know I live alone with my dog and no one even knows me but still. When it was getting dark and the sun was setting I climbed the walls and watched as the doors closed.

I smiled to myself seeing my brother fit in so perfectly with these boys. The only ones who really knew I was in the maze was Alby, newt, and Minho. Me and Minho were best friends before everyone else piled in. We would race and I would win patting him on the head or make him give me piggy back rides. We would send notes to each other through the maze.

Alby was my gaurdian. He's the one who put me in the maze for my protection. He knew there were monsters in there but still sent me knowing I was fine. I first came in the maze when I was 10 I am now 20 I have lived in the maze for 9 and a half years. I spent half a year in the glade then the rest in the maze. The glade was gifted a dog but in the night before the maze shut Alby sent the dog in the maze and I found it and soon named it olive because of her green lime colored eyes.

Newt was the one who let me steal food and take clothes knowing where I was. Alby knew Minho knew but not newt. Me and newt still talk and are best friends. He sometimes sends me little gifts like glittery rocks, his clothes, Minho's clothes, and even special food fry pan hides.

I woke up to the nice sound of the boys shouting. I groaned but got up. Now just because I live in a maze doesn't mean I don't have nice things. When page sends up things in the box she loves to send me electronics, girly clothing, makeup, and other nice things. Alby hid them from the others and made Minho take them into the maze.

I wore a nice pair of black breathable shorts along with a maroon sports bra. I threw on my combat boots and added my black jacket. I tied up my hair not messing with my ears. I then put on my belt with some daggers, knives, and other things on it along with my finger less leather gloves. I added my sunglasses and unhooked olive.

As we were walking I heard screams. I climbed the walls and ran above them looking into the glade frantically. All I saw was the new girl going bat shit crazy throwing rocks at the boys. I laughed then jumped down. When I did I realized someone was looking at me. It was the little boy. He looked at me with curiosity in his eyes. I saw him look from my dotted printed skin to my tail and ears. I flashed my teeth at him and he laughed.

I smiled making my way around the maze. I stumbled across a griever and sighed while mumbling "fuck". I started to run with it close on my tail. *No pun intended*. I tried dodging it into many other pathways but it stayed close. I then breathed heavily and held my breath as I stopped and jumped backwards over the griever. I laughed when it face planted into a wall. I then ran as fast as I could back to my dog. When I stopped I realized I run way faster on all 4s.

As the sun almost set I tossed my journal into the box, kissed my dog then grabbed my green coat. I then ran to the maze door and slid past the door just as it closed i let a sigh of relief then tucked my tail into my shorts. I tucked my hair and ears into my hoodie then watched as the moon light hid my printed skin nicely. I began walking around people making my way to the tables. I grabbed a tray of food thanked fry pan then sat down next to Chuck.

He smiled at me and continued eating.
He was a little ball of joy and I enjoyed being in the glade even if I wasn't apart if it. After dinner I went into the woods. I hid in the trees and fell asleep quite fast. I woke up to the sound of people talking. I jumped down from the tree and began walking to the maze. I was stopped when someone pulled on my shorts. I looked down to see chuck. He smiled at me then hugged me. I left into the maze with no people looking.

When I made my way to my hut I was greeted by my dog. She was limping and I sat her down looking at her with confused eyes. I looked at her leg to see a deep sting. Tears pricked my eyes seeing my dog in so much pain. I grabbed her head placing a kiss on her head. In a matter of minutes a green glow wrapped around her leg and it began to heal over leaving a scar.

Olive began to jump around me planting kisses on my neck and face. I laughed then went into my hut with olive following. When I went in I began to document what happened the night before smiling as I did so. Maybe one day I can reveal myself. One day maybe
I could have a normal life here instead of fighting to survive. I look at my face in the mirror revealing my scar across my face starting at my hair line to my mouth. I was grateful I could still see out of that eye. But I hated how it was rigged across. I had many scars on my body but I have a desired hatred for this specific scar.

It was the first scar since the portal. I was arguing with my father over a small issue when I left to cool off as I watched him drink and  drink fighting with himself weather or not to turn off his emotions. I got too worked up and accidentally created a hole in reality falling through. That's when she found me, I tried to run but I was soon captured by page and her men.

I shook the thoughts from my mind and tied olive. She cuddled up next to me and slept. I stayed up thinking then I felt something pushing me to do it. I wanted a normal life so bad why don't I give it to myself. I sat up waking my dog up. My dog layed her head in my lap looking up at me. I focused and layed on my back with my dog now on top of me. I began to levitate. My dog jumped off me and looked at me weirdly. My body was now wrapped in a red yellow hew of light and smoke. I focused harder feeling my tail retract and my ears slump down to a normal state.

I opened my eyes and fell to my bed with a thud. I sat up quickly and looked at my mirror. I was wrong my whole body was the same. Maybe I need more practice. I shrugged and decided tomorrow was not the day to meet everyone when I was still in this state.

I woke up to the normal sound of people. I began to stretch making my tail flail. I got up and turned to my make shift hanger rack with my stick hangers and my wood rack. I wanted to make a dresser but decided against it. I got dressed in a pair of marron shorts with a black sports bra and my combat boots. I grabbed my bag and put my hair up. I grabbed my gloves and belt and added them. I sat on my bed and took the box from under my bed. I began to document the day before and then grabbed my berry lip stick along with my blossom perfume I got from page.

I put them on then smiled as I wrote on my mirror with the lip stick. -do it for your damn self-. I began to run with my dog trailing behind me. I patted her head making her go back to the hidden hut. I then hid in vines as I was here.

The entrance of the glade.

Author's note-hello roaches just stopping to say I hope you are enjoying this and tell me if you want changes. Also I don't proof read so their might be some mistakes but enjoy.

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