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I watched the man sprint across the street, he was being chased by a group of men, I watched his expression, was he smiling? I slipped back into the shadows of the wall. I knew those men, they were the town's junkies always chasing and hustling people trying to rip off anything of wealth. They had tried to steal my car before but I knew how to stop them. I didn't learn taekwondo for no reason. I continued staring at the man's face, I watched as his body jumped over seats, plant pots and other objects in his way. He did seem quite fit and tall, and he sure did have a rather cute smile. I watched as he headed down the pathway next to me, the junkies running behind him had begun to slow down. I waited till the man was close enough before I snatched his arm and yanked him into the small alleyway "why are they chasing you?" I asked, looking at him closely now, his skin was perfect and his height was crazy. "Are you a cop?" he asked his expression. "No," I replied, rolling my eyes. "I stole their motor bike" he replied with a smirk. I stared him in the eye. "Why?" I asked, "because they stole my money to buy it, so I'm taking my property back," he said. "So you're returning your property" I questioned. "I mean kinda". "shh '' I said, pressing a finger against the man's lips. The junkies ran past the small alleyway. Their voices were loud and furious. "That son of a bitch still has my bike" yelled one of them. "I swear if i see him he's done" yelled another. "Nah imma fuck them up" said the man pushing me aside. I clung onto his hands pulling him even further back before anyone could spot him. "Stop, they will hurt you" I whispered blocking the pathway so he can't run away. "Oi" screamed the man, he really was angry. I had to shut him up before the men located where the voice was coming from.

I got on my tip toes and wrapped my arms around the man's neck pulling him down to my level "aye i dont want you to get hurt mov...." I pressed my lips against the man kissing him deeper than intended. He tried to push back gently but I refused to let him. His lips were surprisingly soft and I felt my tummy twisting. I stepped back, he was staring me in the eyes "im sorry, if they see you, they will hurt you. Just get your money back and......" he had pulled my waist closer to him, wrapping his arms around me. I felt his lips press against the main hungrily. My body felt weak as he took dominance. He spun me around pressing me against the wall. He bit my lip and a small moan escaped my lips, the man took the opportunity and slid his tongue inside of my mouth. My hands scrunched his shirt as his tongue explored my mouth. His hands slid up and down my back making me arch my back, pressing my chest against his. "You like it princess" the man whispered in my ear. "Yes" I gasped. "You're single right?" he asked "yes" i whispered my body still pressed against his "Are you" i asked, "yeah" he replied. I brushed my brown curly hair with my hand. "y/n?, is that your name?" he asked. "I nodded my head, how did you know?" "necklace," he replied. "Oh, what's your name?" I asked. "Jungkook," he replied with a smile, "I'm sorry for kissing you again, it's just you have very soft lips," he said, releasing his arms from my waist. I nodded my head awkwardly. I had only tried to save him but now I'm thinking I wasn't something more.

I looked at him, "do you think they're gone?" I asked. "Sounds quite" he said walking slowly out to the light, "wait" i said hurring past him. "I will look, if they spot you, you will get hurt" I said. "Why do you care so much?" he asked nicely. I shrugged, "i care about everyone" i replied, sticking my head out of the alley way. There was nothing. "It's ok" I said , walking completely out into the light, Jungkook followed. "Do you have a ride?" I asked, looking over at jungkook. "I have a ride, just not a home" he said casually. I stared at him confused. "I gave up my apartment and saved the rent money to buy the bike" he said. I looked at him in confusion, "for real?" i asked? "Yeah" he replied laughing. "Well, do you wanna.... Come over?" I asked , my face turning red. I wasn't going to lie, he was so hot. Jungkook laughed even more nodding his head. "Do you live alone?" he asked. "Yeah" i replied looking at the floor in shame. "Well do you want me to take my bike or car?" he asked. "I don't know, where is it anyway?" i asked "i hid it" he replied. "Well then leave it hidden and come with me" I said. "Alright bet" he replied. I stumbled over to my car. I pressed on the remote unlocking the car. I looked behind me only to see jungkook smirking. "What is it" i said turning around, leaning on the carss door. "Nothing" he replied, still smirking. "Nah tell me" i said smiling myself. "Well i cant believe that i just got kissed by a stunning beauty like you in the middle of a dark alleyway and now i'm going home with her" he said still smiling. It did sound rather crazy, I began to worry but i couldn't change my mind now, not with his shining smile anyway. "Alright then hop in" i said and jungkook obeyed. 

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