childhood vibe of author-kun's void

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Author-kun's Void is a world with low gravity(you can float if you want) the place is similar to Teletubbies mainland

-Author-kun/Ash(or me-) is the only entity in this world cause he created it, they can be hostile if they get angry or pacifist if not bothered
-huge bunnies
Like in the Teletubbies show the bunnies are completely bigger than a human, they aren't dangerous and were programmed by ash to be very docile with people
He is a babysitter whenever ash is busy, he isn't hostile

You'll slowly forget this is an actual void by the atmosphere of the place

Author-kun info
In this part of the void author-kun is confused with dipsy or po(you can choose)
If you are close to them(boyfriend or girlfriend) you'll be allowed to use she/her but for safety use Mr.Ash or he/they
They are fully aware of you but play like they don't know you are there

-tubby custard:actual food taste but you don't know until you eat it
-there's a lot of water and other drinks you can get if you ask ash for it
-the tubby toast can taste like actual toast or cookies
-every item of the Teletubbies are there too

How to enter
-if you get the key for ash's room and open their door you May fall into this void, just keep in mind you'll only know when the Teletubbies theme plays

If it's the slendytubbies one don't enter cause ash may get hostile for becoming a monster like entity and if you are sensitive to blood and gore

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