Chapter 3: Chorus Trap

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"Are you ladies ready to be shown to your dorm?" Mrs. Visage asked. "We've called in the student captains to show you the dormitory. Trixie, meet Miss Bianca Del Rio. Katya, meet Miss Raja Gemini." Mr. Matthews stated. In this moment we meet two people. One was a dark haired girl with copious amounts of makeup covering her face. Her hair was held in a headband as black as the night and her expression was unamused. The other had dark hair with specks of glitter and a pearlescent smile. Both students were dressed in the schools outfits, the former in a pale violet and the latter in a medium blue shade. "Welcome to Tuckahoe School for Girls." spoke the student in the Water House. "You may call me Raja." the other one glanced over her shoulder and said "and I'm Bianca!".

The four girls exit the building, Trixie following Bianca and Katya following Raja. The students then enter a diamond shaped building with two stories. One story was decorated with red paint and green paint marking the split between the Fire & Earth houses. "Your dorm is on the second floor." Bianca said perspicuously. The four girls marched up to the second floor. This floor had a wall divided between violet and blue. This was the place. Bianca and Raja led the girls to two doors right next to each other. "Well we're here ladies." said Bianca with a sharp tone "See you when you fail! Bye!". "Shut up!" Raja scolded in a playful type of way. "I'm sorry girls. She's always like that.". "It's my Rolodex of hate!" Bianca said cheerfully and yet somehow still sharply. "I can't help it!". The two captains snickered their way down the stairs as Trixie & Katya enter the rooms.

As Trixie enters her dorm she sees two things. Firstly, she notices her bed, a smallish twin bed, but still comfortable & secure in its appearance. Secondly, she saw her roommate reading a magazine. She was a tall, heavyset lass with eyes so dark you would swear the irises were just holes to her body. Despite appearing to be aloof & intimidating, she proved otherwise once she heard the squeak of the bed. "Hello doll!" she spoke with a deep voice that surprised Trixie. "You must be my new roommate! I'm Latrice, Latrice Royale! You're hair is so silky looking." Trixie smiled shyly and politely and said "I'm Trixie. Nice to meet ya Latrice.". Trixie noticed some scribbling on the wall. "Who's.....Allison?" Trixie asked. "We don't talk about her here" Latrice said with a sober expression. "Alrighty." Trixie said. "I'm going to bed."

Next door Katya was in her room alone. She assumed they didn't have enough students to give her a proper roommate, but her assumptions were incorrect. The navy wooden door opened and a pair of brown eyes were peering back at her. "Well, you must be my new roommate! Hello!" she said. "I have a roommate?" Katya mumbled. The plump redhead looked confused and said "Why of course you do! Did you not see my things?" Katya looked at the bed right of her own and saw an assortment of things; old movies, crystals, books with rust-colored covers, and a couple of empty Red Bull cans. "Oh God. I'm fucking crazy. I'm what the court would call "non compos mentis." Katya said between a bout of airy laughter. The redhead put her pale hand on Katya's shoulder and laughed. "It's okay, champ. We're all crazy here. I'm Jinkx by the way.". "I'm Katya. Katya Zamolodchikova.". Jinkx giggled. "Katya's a funny name isn't it?" she said with a sunny, comedic tone of voice." Katya responded with "Well so is Jinkx!", to which Jinkx responded with more laughter. Katya then thought "These are my type of people. I'm glad I came to Tuckahoe." What she didn't know is tomorrow morning she'd be even more joyous. Her & Trixie both.

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