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Unpacking had to be aaliyah's least favorite thing to do, other than packing in the first place

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Unpacking had to be aaliyah's least favorite thing to do, other than packing in the first place. she had spent some time grabbing the clothes that had been in one the three suitcases she had brought for her vacation. had she over packed? just a little bit, but to the girl she had felt as if she had underpacked. she had been unpacking for a while, not even noticing the sun had begun to set.

quickly, she stopped unpacking and began to run down the stairs. out of the door, to the backyard wanting to catch the rest of the sunset. the beautiful hues of the sun hand always been something aaliyah loved to see. she had loved watching the sunset, especially in the summer, something about the warm weather had always made the colors of the sky even more beautiful. she had made tradition to watch the sunset the first and last day of summer, often joined by jeremiah.

she hadn't really thought of anything when said boy had sat down right next her, she had recognized the smell of salt water every summer around this time. it had been a hint that he had just came back from swimming at the beach with belly, another of one of the many traditions the kids had.

"i think this is the best one yet." jeremiah had said, looking both at the sky and the side of liyahs face. the girl nodded. she didn't necessarily agree her favorite had been the one from 2 years ago.


it wasn't the first or the last day of summer, it was closer to the middle. she had just gotten to the beach after a bike ride with jeremiah, they had went down to the ice cream shop to buy two cones, and had rode to the beach deciding to watch the sunset there. as her and jeremiah sat there in silence it felt as if the world had disappeared.

the sun had admitted a beautiful glow onto both of their skins. to aaliyah though, jeremiah looked heaven sent. she had always thought the boy was cute, always had and always will. but she hadn't felt this way before. since she had got to cousins her heart had beaten a thousand miles a minute any time a thought of jeremiah crossed her mind. ten times faster than that when she saw him. she had known that summer was going to be different, the boy himself had been different. he had a glow up. his hair became a little longer, he grew taller, he gained more muscle, his face began to mature as well as his voice. i mean what do you expect he was in the summer of his sophomore year a lot had changed.

as the sun began to lower even more and the moon began to show, the two teens sat in silence, appreciative of the beautiful night sky. the stars began to appear and aaliyah swore the boy beside her could hear her heart beating, so undoubtedly fast. he looked so beautiful, he had felt the same. to him, aaliyah was the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen. sure he may have dated and kissed many people. but to him, no one could compare to his liyah. he had thanked his lucky stars that he was even able to get out of practicing with conrad. the older boy "needing to perfect his arm." he was happy that steven and belly had been able to distract his brother while he snuck out behind the three to meet aaliyah outside by their bikes.

jeremiah had always known aaliyah was pretty. he never thought any different. hell he knew aaliyah was pretty before he even knew what the word meant. but tonight, something had changed. something had changed for the both of them. as they sat there underneath the moonlight, his arm around her shoulders and her leaning in to the boy as a blanket wrapped around them, both of them talking but neither of them actually listening. they knew that the had loved each other, even if the other didn't know. they did. and they were okay with that, for now at least.


"how was your swim?" even though she knew the response she would get, having asked every year, she still asked always happy to hear the boy talk.

"it was good. it was actually my first swim of the summer, i wished you could've joined us though." jeremiah had replied, he had began to lean closer to the girl wrapping a blanket on their shoulders his arm ending on the shoulder opposite to his.

"yeah me too but you know i had to unpack." aaliyah replied leaning her head on his shoulder continuing to look up at the sky.

"yeah, i know. i don't know why you just don't do it tomorrow it's not like you'll finish tonight." the boy replied a smile dancing on both of their lips as he teased the girl in his arms.

"shut up jere." the girl replied shoving him a little letting out a laugh. the boy laughed along with her scooting back to the girl wrapping his arm around her again, she put her head back in his shoulder.

they sat there, just appreciating the beauty of the summer skyline, in silence. it wasn't and uncomfortable silence, no silence between them had ever been. they just sat in each others arms grateful for the presence of the other. they had sat there for about her twenty minutes, the moon fully high in the sky. they didn't move until a chilly breeze had went through them, encouraging them to get up and join everyone in the dining room.

jeremiah had been right, the sunset had been beautiful, but never better than the one from before.

— zoo talks💕
hi y'all ! i'm not back back but i am here for now. i hope you all enjoyed this chapter i think i did a pretty good job.
as always don't be a silent reader ! have a great day.
word count:1014

 word count:1014

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